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Lets play a numbers game.
Do you know how many dogs:
1) are euthanized in our shelters each year?
Wow, I'm ashamed to admit I'm stumped on every one of those except #2. I do know it's 15 dogs for each human born if I remember the statistics.

Also, I'm guessing on the last one but seeing as a b*tch can whelp anywhere up to 14 puppies in some cases, if she produces a litter every year of 14 puppies, and those 14 puppies produce say another 14 etc for 6 years, if my calculation is correct, that would make 1176 puppies. That's of course if you don't count the litters of the offspring having their OWN litters, in which case it would make around 7056, once again, if my calculating is correct.
You are correct about the 15 to 1 dog to human ratio. I will give others a chance to have a crack at it before I post the numbers.
Okay, as I have to do some work today... I will post these numbers now.
First let me apologize, I should have asked how many dogs & cats are euthanized each year. Sorry, my bad. Any way...

1) 3 to 4 million dogs and cats are euthanized every year in our shelters. 3 to 4 million, MILLION
2) As OriJas said, 15 dogs are born for each 1 human. Cats are worse, 45 cats are born for each 1 human. Think of it, for every dog born to get a home each person would have to have 15 dogs. A family of 4 would have to have 60 dogs. The cats! Mind boggling.
3) The best answer I could find was 10%. !0% of dogs end up in a home that keeps them.
4) Dogs that come into a shelter spayed or neutered? Again, only 10 %. Ever wonder WHY there are so many dogs born?
5) Are you ready for this? One female and her offspring can produce roughly 67,000 pups in just 6 years. Please, people, for the love of dogs, Spay & neuter your pets! Yes that is her having pups, her pups having pups, their pups having pups.... Don't forget the males are in on this mess too. Just because you have a male and don't have to worry about pups yourself, think about what he is causing in the neighborhood!

Some other numbers that was not asked about but, hey, I said this is a numbers game.
The average age of dogs & cats entering shelters? Under 18 months.
Even though there are 3 to 4 million killed each year in shelters, the number entering shelters that are healthy and adoptable? 90%
Percentage of people that GET a pet then for whatever reason gets rid of the pet?....drum roll.....70%

People, before you get a pet of ANY kind, research it. Find out what the pet will need, figure out if you can actually afford to take care of those needs. Figure out if this is really a commitment you want to make. Figure out if you have the time and money to indulge the "I wants"

Well allow me to be proud for a moment and say I'm damn glad to be part of that 30%! Although sadly, I have to admit I have had to take a few animals into the shelter a couple of times, but those weren't fun to do, nor my choice.