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Full Version: Beware of frogs and snails
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Our friend who is a long time breeder who visited us when we moved in this house in 2001 saw the snails and frogs in the backyard. He warned us that some frogs have venom on their skin that spurt when they are attacked. It is logical for a dog to attack a frog or even kill it by biting and the venom would surely take its revenge. Likewise, the snail or slug is also a risk to the health of dogs for they are carriers of diseases. I haven't confirmed this to the vet yet but another dog owner had confirmed it to me. It's a good thing that our dogs are not that mischievous as to chase a frog or a snail. In fact, the snail is oblivious to them but the frog, I'm sure they will chase it when they see it jump.

By the way, frogs and toads are hard to differentiate so as long as it looks like a frog then it's practically the same species. With the snails, they are good to be ground and pressed for it can serve as fertilizer for the plants.