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Some pets have incompatible personalities. Some are introverted with a self effacing mien and prefer to lead quite lives and can be seen napping in a corner sated and content to revel in their own dreamy existence. There are others that are suitably extroverted and can usually be cited roaming about and are generally reply preferring to spend their time chasing others. It follows that two extroverts make a great pair for the simple reason that they enjoy their passtime. The problem arises when the pets are incompatible with the extrovert harassing the languid introvert. Unlike in the case when both pets are extroverts, the peaceful pet usually has a rough time sometimes being woken from sleep. I think its sensible to house pets according to their temperaments.
I think the incompatible personalities has to do with the family structure and where you live.  If you live in a big house, you might have one kid that is an introvert that gets along with the introverted and laid-back pet, while your more energetic kid gets along with your hyper pet.  But it can also work where an introverted kid will only leave the house to play with a hyper dog because it is fun. The reverse is true, that a hyper kid might want a pet to relax in the evenings with instead of a hyper one. 

Then you have to consider pet on pet dynamics.  Personally I've found that if you have two hyper pets, they tend to both fight for the 'alpha' spot and fight.  While an introverted pet will allow the other to be an alpha without much fuss, or at least allow the other pet to think it's alpha.  Sometimes though, it's also has to do with age and how willing an animal is willing to deal with a new personality.  I remember when my mom adopted two kittens because their sister had been eaten by a raccoon.  My cat, Midnight, was two and the only pet, so he was used to all the attention.  He was also kind of unsure what to do with the tiny kittens.  It wasn't until they were a little bigger that he was okay with them.  So it's not just personalities but age, and sometimes the family structure.
I had to reread your post because I want to make sure if you're referring to animals or people here and it looks as though you're going on about animals? As introvert and extrovert? It doesn't make sense to use those personalities on animals because they operate on a different level of understanding. There are many factors that can affect animal behavior but I've never read anything about animals being referred to as introvert and extrovert. You might be going on about introverted and extroverted people and their compatibility with certain pets.
I've never blieved the fact that dogs hate cats and vice-versa, it's a total lie, for real. I've had cats and dogs together and they even used to sleep together one above the other, it was really hilarious to be honest.