Pets Keepers Guide Forums

Full Version: Unrecognised reptilian pets
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One of the least recognised group of pets are reptiles specifically those that lurk in the homestead in diverse nooks and crannies. Lizards for instance can be seen hiding under rocks early in the morning and late in the evening positioning themselves for the next meal. The funny thing is that these animals can access even presidential palaces and they are doubtlessly privy to the goings on there. Lizards spread themselves discreetly on rocks to savour the sunshine. We usually get to know the animals over time due to repeated sightings inside the house but conveniently forget about them. But they somehow get to know us with instances when they stay within view without bothering about our prescence. Some have uncanny ways of survival like the salamander which has a camouflage and not easy to detect against the beige background of the walls. Some people make the mistake of killing these animals. We should go out of our way to facilitate their comfort. Some like salamander ensure that dangerous insects like mosquitoes are eliminated courtesy of their voracious appetite.