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Full Version: tumors/illness common in hamsters?
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I had a hamster for a good two years, but the last six months of his life or so, he developed a giant tumor that was really quite unsightly and looked painful for him to be dragging around! When he finally did pass away, it was almost the size of his head, puffed-cheeks included. I asked around with my friends that also had hamsters and found out that a couple of them had previously also had their hamsters develop these tumors. I've looked around a bit but haven't had much success in finding out what it might be. Anyone have any experience with it?
Yes, it is quite common for hamsters to develop tumors, and they are very prone to cancer as they get older. The most common type of cancer is in the thyroid, but it is not uncommon for a hamster to grow a fatal skin tumor.

Sometimes a serious absess can be caused by an infected cut or wound to the skin. These often occur inside the hamster's mouth or cheek pouch, where a hard seed has cut into the flesh or become embedded. An absess, if not treated, will develop into a hard painful lump, but veterinary treatment is possible. A vet will quickly drain the absess and inject antibiotics.

Your hamster lived for two years, and hamsters only have a short life expectancy, but it is a sad story. Are you going to replace him?