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Summertime is upon us and that means extremely hot weather for most of the world. Do you know how heat affects your pet? From the extremely hot concrete/pavement to how your pet releases heat and cools itself, there are many dangers out there. Dogs pant to release heat and cool themselves. A tight muzzle could keep your dog from cooling itself and cause a heat stroke. The temperature in vehicles, even with cracked windows, can reach over 120 degrees within 10 minutes. Running inside a store for even just 1 thing and leaving your pet in your car could kill it in a matter of minutes.
Dogs can drink too much water if they are over heated which can cause water poisoning and kill them very quickly. It's very important to know how the heat affects your pet and the best ways to keep them cool and safe. In the state of Florida it is LEGAL to break a car window to rescue an animal locked inside when the temperature is above a certain degree. If you see an animal locked in a car, even with the windows cracked, don't just assume that their owners will be right back, or that it is none of your business. Speak up, step up, do something. You could be saving an innocent life instead of just ignoring it. The same thing goes if you suspect an animal is being neglected or abused. Call the authorities and report it. If you do nothing the animal will continue to suffer, don't assume that the owner knows better or worry about what your neighbors may think of you if you question a situation. Know that you were a voice for the ones that have none.
Thank you for your passionate information in regards to saving animals from the summer heat and how to keep them safe. Not a lot of people know about this and often do keep their pets in their car. Where I live, it doesn't get as hot, however. The most would be approximately 90 degrees, which is still high, but not entirely burning anyone up. But still, you do create a good point. Whether the windows are cracked, it does get hotter and hotter in the car. I've sat in a car before, or even walked into a car after being gone for 10 to 15 minutes and the wheel is even burning. So it's good to allow us to become aware of these things. Smile
Even though I like to take Chipper along with me in the car; I usually do not take him along when the weather is hot. Even if I am going to be in the car,I still don't want Chipper to get too hot. Sometimes, if I am going to be going to yard sales, and not going very far, I will take him along; but I never leave him alone in the car when I go inside the store likee some people do.
I can't even undrstand how someone's brain works to allow them to do that ?? If they love their dog so much that they want to take them everywhere, why don't they love them enough to leave them home inside a cool house when it is 90 degrees outside ??
My Chipper also enjoys sitting in front of the little floor fan in hot weather, so I always put one down on the floor where he can sit in front of it, and let the fan ruffle his hair and keep it cooler.
To me, these are just common sense things. I take the dogs with me in the summer time too. I have an extra set of keys and leave them locked in with the AC running. It's Texas, so if I left out summer time, that would be most of the year and they would be home all the time. Seriously. Anybody can tell the engine is running. For someone that doesn't actually think of any of that, I may need to leave a sign on the window that says that. To me, it's all just obvious though.

At home, I have a big sized utility fan, I run when we are outside, under the patio umbrella. I also have three kiddy pools, one for the dogs, one for the potted plants to soak in, and a bigger one for me to get in and stretch out. And of course, they go in any kiddy pool they please, lol.
We live in central Florida and the heat can be brutal here, especially in the summer months. My pets are all indoor animals so they rarely go outdoor anyway but in the heat especially they stay inside. We of course, let them out to go to the bathroom and we take them for short walks but that is the extent of it. If they are out for more than 5 or 10 minutes they get over heated and pant like crazy.

They love to go for walks but we have to limit the time they walk to about 10 minutes max. Both of our dogs know when they have had enough and usually will turn around when they are ready to return home. When we do get back, they immediately go to the water dish and drink and then lay on the cool tile.

I think it's heartbreaking if pets are left out in extreme heat and if I see it I call the SPCA and inform them.
Our cats don't outdoors at all but they do like it on out back lanai where it is totally enclosed and in the shade. Smile
Danyel Smile