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Apart from the regular medications that you take for any of your mental illness, there are some natural remedies that have been proven quite effective in overcoming most of the mental problems specially anxiety and depression.
Among them, Pet therapy is one the most important remedy to fight your depression as you get an unconditional love, support and companion in the form of your pet. They keep you moving all day and give you a good purpose to your life. These specially trained pets are called Emotional Support Animals and you get a license for them to keep them with you at home or anywhere outside.

Have you had any experience with this natural therapy ?
Yes, there are some vaccine which are not needed. However some vaccine are must need for dogs The most common vaccines to be given to the dogs are Hepatitis, Canine Distemper, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus, Bordetell, Lyme. These should be administered by a registered vet and you should be present at that time for calming down your dog. Here you can find a list of Dog Vaccines Are Absolutely Necessary
I know a lot of stories where people needed dogs for mental therapy
I heard about this actually. My auntie was dealing with depressions, and anxiety too, and her therapist recommended trying this treatment method. I am curious actually what pets do they use. Because I heard about dogs, but can there be exotic support animals? Not only that, but I am starting to study the exotic pets world, and I am interested if there can be therapies with snakes or lizards. I am sorry if my questions can sound stupid, but I am too curious to not ask this. Have a nice one guys.
Pets also have feelings for humans.