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Hi All
Which dog vaccine are must needed? I was searching through web and found Dog Vaccines Are Absolutely Necessary list and advise at many place. It would be great if someone seasoned dog owner can help on this?
Hi, I am also looking for this right now.
In general, having a dog or another pet is difficult but at the same time very pleasant.  
It's hard because there are a lot of headaches, we always have to inform ourselves, look for the best and know how to make everything to the maximum for him, if we love him of course.  But I don't think someone who has a pet doesn't love him because it wouldn't make sense to buy him anymore.  
I have had a dog for 2 years and I love it to the fullest.  I always try to do everything to see him happy, and the last thing I did was buy marrow bones for dogs and he liked it. I love to see him happy and I feel that this brings me indescribable pleasure, as if he is my child.  At the moment, he even replaces a child for me because I can't have one and that's why I try to offer him the best.
If the puppy is given at an early age, at 1-1.5 months, you can start vaccinating it from 6 weeks. If the puppy is given at 2 months and older, a standard vaccination scheme is usually carried out - at 8 and 12 weeks. A veterinarian determines the vaccination scheme for each specific animal. According to this scheme, the vaccination of a puppy up to a year old can be carried out in two or three stages, depending on the age at which the first vaccination was carried out. And because of Constant interaction with dogs and a flexible work schedule , it's hard to get to the vet. Therefore, make an appointment with him in advance.