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Oh, my aunt had a tuxedo cat named Oreo and I thought it and the name were adorable.
When naming an animal, I always like to think about how I will sound outside calling it. Will the neighbors think I'm crazy walking around yelling it?
That little girl on "Here Come Honey Boo Boo" named her teacup pig Glitzy. Not a bad name, but, it was a boy. We also had some friends who named their cat Birdie because they thought what they were hearing outside was a bird. Instead, it was a kitten in a tree.
My first cat was named Fluffy which is rather unoriginal. After seeing a poster on Pinterest that has a kitten saying "I'm Fuzz Lightyear" I think that could be a cute but silly name for my next cat.
Most people assume we gave my poodle the name Gigi because that is a common poodle name. But it is actually short for Jaja Gigi. That was a cute pet name that my husband used for all of our cats before Gigi came along. You have to picture this man in his mid 50s picking up a cat and saying in his cutest baby voice ever, "How's my little Jaja Gigis doing? You're such a cute little Jaja Gigi." I have no idea where that little cutsie name came from, but my husband would use in on all the pets he owned. So I just thought that it would be perfect for our poodle; although, we just shorteded it and call her Gigi. Come to think of it, I guess we could have shortened it to Jaja.
I think as long as the owner respects the animal, I don't really care what they name their pet. I knew a man who called his cat, 'The Cat' but he didn't really respect his cat. He didn't think his cat deserved a name. And I also knew an elderly lady who named her cat, 'Kitty' but she loved and respected her cat. She really took good care of her cat.

Those names are not originate at all, The Cat and Kitty and I don't even think they are real names, but it was the attitude that made the difference in how those cats were treated.
We have two mini dachshund and their names are Wednesday and Morticia. My last name is Adams, so yes they are Wednesday and Morticia Adams.

We have to yell their names at the dogpark all the time. Wednesday loves to bark at the park, I guess she just wants to be heard. Morticia is very skittish towards most everything.

I have told people that the name dog we get, we're gonna name it Naked so we can tell people "I gotta go walk Naked down the street"
When I saw the name of this post I couldn't help but smile. This reminds me of a good friend that I have. He has name his kitten Cat and his puppy Dog. It is honestly the funniest thing and the saddest at the same time. I wonder what people will think when he will be out with his puppy out in public, like "come here Dog!". I hope people won't judge him because of this, or hopefully he will change their names with time and he just decided to be lazy with the names for now. This is still very amusing to me!
Children often create wonderfully silly names, we had 3 rabbits named Loveheart Diamond, Black Speeder and Friendship Star. Our Budgie is named Anna-Hazel and we have a cat named Black Zero and before her name was changed to Rosie our youngest cat was named Eema. Black Speeder and Black Zero (who, contrary to what you might think, is a tabby) were named by my 9 year old son and the other names are courtesy of my 5 and 7 year old daughters. I'm guilty of naming our huge mastiff/great dane cross - Priscilla (or Prissy for short)
We had dogs named,Toby and Barney, Kimmy and Willie, Festus and Patches, Amos Moses and Roach, and Goodboy.

My cats names were Rufus and Charlie, Calico Mama and Boots.

Sometimes no matter what you call them they don't come and they pretend not to remember their names when in trouble.

And usually, at some point in the mist of bad behavior they get a whole bunch of new names right in a row. And some of those name are not nice and should not be repeated by anyone, including your parrot. lol
(06-08-2012, 01:46 AM)twinsmommy Wrote: [ -> ]Our cat is named Chicken. He was the smallest out of the litter and was afraid of everything so they named him Chicken Little, but it has been shortened to Chicken over the last couple of years.

Haha. This is adorable. I would be laughing too much with a name like this. I wonder how the cat reacts when someone compliments you on the chicken that you cooked for dinner. Has this ever happened before because if yes then it would be an epic ironic occasion!
I used to have a black cat named Batman. I think most people have, at one point, named a black cat Batman. I also have had cats named Tricky, Joker, Paisley, Deuce, Priscilla, Barbarella and my current cat's name is Delores Del Ruby or Delores for short. My rat terrier is named Snoop.
I knew a guy that thought it was cruel to give animals silly names because it takes away their dignity and we should respect them enough to give them human names.

Looking at Delores and Snoop, they don't really look that offended by their names.
I think to an extent we give silly names because of our wanting to show the world how unique our pet is. Our chow's name in her birth certificate is scarly but the owner of the kennel called her chacha. So we got stuck with chacha. I plan to if our chow gives birth to a female and if it looks just like her I'm naming her butterball. When I was a kid I liked a candy named butterball. It's the same color as a cream colored chow's fur when she's a baby.
My brother is a chemist, and he named his dog Benzaldehyde, after the chemical that smells like maraschino cherries. We all call him Benny, so it's not so bad, but technically his name is Benzaldehyde. It might not have been as funny as it is if he were an intelligent, sensitive dog, but even though he's so sweet and affectionate and loyal, he's dumb as a rock.
I have always given my pets (real and online) real, proper names. I don't think that giving pets silly names means that a person doesn't care about the pet, but I've always considered my pets a part of my family (real, not online) and I couldn't give them a food, color or a similar name (now, nicknames are a completely different thing Big Grin ). My older, tuxedo cat is named Nell. I don't usually call her by name, we call her "Kitty" (I compare it to not calling family members by their first names, rather their roles, like "mom", "grandma" etc.). When I got my black kitten, I named him Heathcliff, but we called him "Mini Kitty" (it sounds cuter in my native language Smile ), since she was grown up already at the time and he was tiny. So, now that he's grown up, and being male he's twice her size, we call him "Mega Kitty".
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