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Full Version: Betta Color, Tail, Genetic Codes, Etc-
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I am an absolute betta fanatic. Not only do I *have* bettas, I consider myself a keeper. A ton of research has gone into my time, along with being part of the IBC, and I do raise/show Bettas.

My fish range from IBC stock to Thailand imports, bettas from breeders here in the US- from store purchases to various "rescue" situations- as well as some absolute pets that are breeder culls.

I also have a soft spot for ones with illnesses and have successfully treated many with several diseases/illnesses due to genetic misconduct or unguided care.

This site is very interesting for a beginner to learn from, or someone more advanced to learn more in depth about what they have, or what goals they could/should strive towards.

It is nice you have a soft spot for betta.

Betta is definitely among one of the most popular pet fish.
I heard some of them actually would like the attention of the owner.

I also had plan for keeping a betta, but I never did due to I never had a spared tank for just betta, plus the fact I never found one that I like. I bought most of my fish online, and there is no way for me to pick a betta that way. I'd like to know how my fish look like before I buy.

It is terrible though most betta don't live along at all. I had friend who kept betta in a fish bowel with no heater, no filter. He claims betta doesn't need it and he was doing correct because it was alive for 2 months, and he wouldn't listen lol. It died soon after before the 3 months was up. He claimed it must be too old... Confused and he absolutely would not accept more scientifically explanations - ammonia, and tropical fish needs heater.

I've been to walmart, and Pet Supplies Plus(new here), every time there are dead betta just laying there.