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Full Version: Where is the best place to get a pet bird?
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I am no expert on bird, but I know pet stores might not be the best place to get some pets from. Sometimes they have healthy issues, such as low quality stock resulted from mass breeding, or poor care.

In order to get the healthiest bird, where would you recommend to get the bird from?
I would look up a local breeder for a particular bird that you want to get. We traveled a couple hours away to get our Eclectus parrot from a good breeder. There are some reputable exotic pet stores that get good birds from breeders as well. You can call an avian veterinarian and ask them to recommend a good breeder or retail store that sells healthy birds in your area. I wouldn't buy a bird from a big chain pet store, though we used to get our parakeets from Woolworths when we just started out in the "bird world" almost 30 years ago!


Bird lovers always looking to have new kind of birds at their home. If you know how to bonding with pet birds is essential for a pleasant ownership experience. It is a good idea to shop birds from your nearer breeders. Find pet stores might not be the best place to get some pets from.