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Full Version: Babies Who Live With Dogs May Be Healthier
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I found an interesting article about how babies and children who live with dogs and play with them regularly will build stronger immune systems in the long run. This is great news for pet owners who are always being nagged by relatives and told "You shouldn't have pets around the baby."
The benefits are greatest for babies and younger kids who are still developing their immune system.
Interesting article. I'm not all that sure about the results though. There's always other factors to consider. I grew up having a dog, but I was always extremely sickly. Anyway, I'm glad the article also mentioned having cats is beneficial as well. It's funny your saying how the relatives can get testy about pets in the home with kids. I remember my dad's mom, who lived next door to us, was always upset that we had a dog in the house. She constantly said animals do not belong in the house, but should be kept outside. She also hated cats & always talked about them "stealing the breath" of children, and that they were so "sneaky." None of her 7 children ever got cats when they grew up, including my father. Funny how all of my siblings got cats after we left home though!
My friend had a bulldog that was completely gentle with her newborn son. It was adorable how they got along. The dog practically adopted the kid, lol.