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When I think of all the places that I have seen my pets tongues go over the years. When I think of all the things I have seen them pick up and eat, including poop. I am way too grossed out to even think of eating something my dog or cat licked. I don't even like it if they somehow get their tongue on my lips when they kiss me. But to each their own, if it doesn't gross you out.....
It depends on what you're sharing with your pets and when. If we are assuming that the food is safe for your pet to have without accidentally making them really sick like grapes and chocolate can. So I don't mind people sharing their food with pets. The problem comes with the timing. In grade school, I had a friend who liked to share her food with her cats while she was eating. Sometimes she would hand feed them, others she would feed them on the fork she was using, and more often than not she would just let her cats eat straight off the plate. It used to bother me because cats clean themselves with their tongue and drink out of the toilet.

Her older sister though, would feed the cats with scraps after she was done eating. Once she had finished her meal, she'll put her plate on the floor and let the cats clean off the plate before putting it in the sink. For me, that's fine because you don't have to worry about cross contamination or wasted food. So for me, if you are finished with the food and it is safe giving your pet your food is fine. But sharing while you're eating grosses me out. I hate that scene were the kid lets his dog lick off his ice cream cone and then goes back to eating off the same cone.
I think I have to show this thread to my husband because he has that habit of sharing his food with our dogs. It's not the vet but the dog breeder who advised us to refrain from sharing our food with our dogs. First, the food may not be suitable because salty or sweet foods may be harmful. Second, it is a bad habit for the dog to be drooling every time a human eats.

My husband usually eat snacks while in front of the computer which is situated in the living room. When our dogs hear the sound of a food wrapper, they would come near my husband and beg. They love nuts especially chestnuts and even walnuts which is quite bitter, our dogs still like it. With pastries, it is sweet so it is a given. But when I'm at home, my husband doesn't eat in the computer, maybe pretending that I do not know. But I have to admit that I sometimes give our dogs some sweets like the cake for Pipoy's birthday last Sunday, just a small piece only... and without the knowledge of my husband.
Eating with your pet would seem really sweet and cute, that's true. However, it's not very hygienic. They always lick things. We all love our dogs but we should also be very careful when it comes to our own health. Because at the end of the day, we still need to be healthy to be able to be a good "parent" to our dogs. We wouldn't want to be sick just to share that food with them. We can have better ways to have fun with our dogs.
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