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What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - dsperin - 03-19-2013

My cat, who always acts like she's starving, has will eat popcorn, cheese puffs, and tortilla chips. But not cheese, oddly enough. Of course she'll eat meat of any kind--especially bacon.

How about your cat? Any weird foods they can't get enough of?

Disclaimer: I don't feed my cat these foods on a regular basis.

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - jenb128 - 03-20-2013

I'm catless at the moment (though I have a pending adoption and should be able to take her home tomorrow... yay!) Anyway, my last cat loved spaghetti. Not the meat - just the noodles. I also once had a cat who liked grapes. He wouldn't eat the whole thing though, but he loved to lick the juice from them. He also loved wine. No, I wouldn't intentionally give him any, but it was impossible to drink it anywhere near him because he'd try to force his face into the glass. I discovered his taste for wine when I'd left a glass sitting on the endtable. It was mostly empty, fortunately, but there was still a little bit in the bottom. I'd left the room, then came back a few minutes later to find him slurping it up.

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - Libragirl67 - 03-27-2013

We also do not feed our cat people food all the time. But he does tend to beg like a dog. So sometimes we will put a few little nibbles out for him. We found out Simon really likes hamburger helper (lasagna). I made dinner for the kids and I left the frying pan on the stove. I was at the table with the kids and got up for something. And that is when I found Simon. Grabbing paws full of hamburger helper right out of the frypan. And we discovered he also likes nacho flavored dorittos. We also have to watch our hot chocolate drinks when we put whipped cream on top.

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - Rube - 03-27-2013

My cat does love to be fed tiny pieces of cheese. I suppose it is not really weird because most cats appear to like milk or cream and cheese is really just milk in a solid form. Like any treat it should only be given to the cat occasionally, but if I am eating cheese I like to share a few crumbs with my friend.

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - mariposa - 04-23-2013

Our cat won't touch "people food" but for some reason she likes to lick the butter from toast if we let it sitting somewhere and she gets to it. I don't know why or when it started, but it definitely seems weird to me. We also can't leave the lids from those little individual containers of tapioca sitting out because the cat seems to love that for some reason, too. I guess there could be a lot worse things that she tries to mooch besides butter and tapioca now that I think of it! Anything else that even remotely resembles people food gets her head turned away from it real fast, though.

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - glitteringfuzz - 04-26-2013

After I'm finished eating single-serving containers of yogurt, I let the kitties lick the little cup clean. They love it and it doesn't seem to cause any tummy problems. I think the important thing to do when giving animals tastes of human food is to stick to whole foods. Too much salt and trans fats and stuff can really hurt an animal, but they'll gobble up anything we give 'em!

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - Britt24xoxo - 05-05-2013

My female cat eats almost anything. She likes yogurt, icecream, coffee, whip cream, icing, pudding, chips, and even gingerbread. She will basically put her face in mine to make sure she gets a bite of whatever I'm eating. It's cute to people when they see her doing it. I guess I can't blame her. She shares her bowl with two male cats and I'm sure whatever I'm eating has to tast and smell better than what they have to eat everyday.

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - ReneLeBeau - 05-13-2013

I'm not sure if this is considered strange, but both of my cats are crazy about sweets. They tackle me if I'm carrying a cup of milk, and it's even worse if I put honey or cocoa in it. Not to mention if I actually have some chocolate or cookies with me. I have to be really careful when I have something sweet with me, I practically have to hide to eat it. My older cat has a strange love for olives. She never ate one, but she really seemed to enjoy chewing on them. I hope they aren't too bad for cats. Other than that, I think I saw them try anything except for fruits and vegetables.

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - Jpix - 05-13-2013

My cat loves saltine crackers, I haven't a clue why, but When I'm eating him he'll either sneak up and snatch one away from the plate or sit up on his hind legs and beg. I don't like to give him people food, but he's so cute when he begs that I just end up giving it.

It silly to see a little cat walk away with a big cracker in his mouth.

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - Babble64 - 06-02-2013

My cat has lived on only dry food her entire life (14 years). She's healthy and happy and I'm fine with that. She does, however, sidle up to the potato bag now and then and start chewing! My son even captured a shot of her hip deep in a bag one day! I watched her do this with fresh zucchini one day too. I've never let her have either long enough to know how much she'll eat. I laugh at her and remind her she's a CARNIVORE! The funny thing is, if you put a can of tuna on the floor in front of her she'll sniff it and walk away.

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - shawnnac - 06-02-2013

I had a cat that would eat all sorts of fruit from apples to mandarin oranges to strawberries. The bad thing is that my cat also really loved grapes, and if anyone knows anything about grapes and cats, they don't mix. It ended up making him really sick and my poor kitty ended up dying of kidney failure after eating a day lily which was the straw that broke the camel's back in terms of his kidneys. The takeaway from this is, even though you think your cat may know what is and isn't good for him to eat, be the backup plan to that and know what plants, fruits, or anything else a cat shouldn't eat and keep it away. To be safe, just stick with cat food, whether from a homemade recipe or a good reputable brand from the store. That's what I learned. Idea

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - maelstrom - 06-06-2013

Popcorn. My cat LOVES popcorn. Unfortunately for her we don't get it very often and when we do we don't eat it very often, but when we She's all over that stuff. She'll sit there and beg for you to give her a piece or two, and then when you do that she'll want more, and more. She won't stop, not even throwing her out of the room will slow down her unending desire for more popcorn.

Besides that she has a very peculiar relationship with Cheetos. She'll want some, and when you give it to her she'll sniff it, nibble it for a little bit, and then....ignore. Doesn't like it. However, much to my chagrin she'll be back again thirty seconds later, wanting more. The cycle will continue until you're either out of Cheetos, or you kick her out. Apparently, having to go back in the room is too much work to annoy us about Cheetos.

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - bstahr - 08-15-2013

My cat is obsessed with cheese! She will come running into the kitchen if we have pizza, grilled cheese or even shredded cheese on a salad. I hear this is a somewhat common cat craving. The other thing she loves is bagels. Once while I was watching a movie, I set a plate with half a bagel on the floor. I looked over and saw my cat stretch her paw out and slide the bagel off the plate to where she was lying! She'll jump up on your lap if you're eating a bagel and will totally get in your face. She doesn't seem to care about most other bread products, however.

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - ohiotom76 - 08-23-2013

My cats won't eat anything other than their cat food and cat treats. In fact, they are even picky about that - one has to have salmon and the other chicken. I guess it's kind of a blessing though since they don't beg at all, like my three dogs did all the time.

My friend's cat, however, will eat just about anything. One of her favorites is lunch meat, such as turkey. When my friend has some lunch meat that is about to go bad, she will toss it to the cat. The cat will literally inhale the slices mid-air, it's kind of amusing to see.

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - Treeca86 - 07-30-2014

My Manx used to love blueberry Pop Tarts. I don't know why. I could not leave my Pop Tarts on the table unsupervised, by the time I came back, Gracey would have the Pop Tart gone. She would jump onto the back of the couch, and lick her paws and look happy with herself, and twitch her nub of a tail, and look at me as if to say, "So, what are you going to do about it?" Gracey also liked to eat chili, but blueberry Pop Tarts the best. Sure do miss my baby kitty.

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - clare_m - 07-31-2014

I have three cats and two of them are not very big on people food but one of them is like a little garbage can for anything and everything he can get his little paws on. He especially loves bread, if we leave bread on the counter overnight he will rip through the packaging and eat whatever he can. He also loves yogurt and ice cream, and will go crazy for anything with sugar (although I don't give him sugar very often, and only in very small quantities).
Be careful though because some human foods are particularly dangerous for cats. The following link is great and will give you some foods to watch out for:

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - MichiganMom - 08-03-2014

When I was a teen, we had a cat that loved to eat salads. He'd prefer a bowl of romaine lettuce, kale and spinach over eating tuna or beef any day. However, while many types of lettuce are healthy for your cat, if you have a cat who loves the greens as much as ours did you may want to take a pause and consider the risks. Many lettuces are safe for feline ingestion, but cats can get a condition called Heinz Body Anemia or HzB from eating certain foods.

Spinach and kale fall into that category, as well as garlic and onions. The problem happens in the red blood cells and the oxidization process. When oxidative damage occurs the toxic compounds in these foods can cause serious disability in your cat, and even death if left untreated and you keep feeding them the foods. We found out the hard way that the kale and spinach needed to be skipped in our cat’s salad and our cat became very ill. HzB is hard to treat, but can be recovered from. But if you love your cat as much as we loved ours, you may want to just skip the salad and stick to traditional cat foods.

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - jen_j_26 - 08-04-2014

We have one cat who will eat (or at least try out) basically any food that we happen to be eating. We don't feed our cats people food very often, but she has had horrible table manners ever since we got her from the shelter, and she'll try to steal food right off your plate or out of your hand. It doesn't matter what it is, if she sees you eating it, she thinks it is something she should be eating. She likes to steal popcorn from us (right from the bowl), but we try not to give her more than a piece or two since it isn't good for her.

Once, when my other cat was a tiny kitten (and I mean tiny, she fit in the palm of my hand) she tried to steal an entire pork chop off my husband's dinner plate. It was so funny, because it was bigger than she was!

And, FYI, adult cats shouldn't be fed dairy products, as most cats are lactose intolerant. It can give them an upset tummy, even if they do like the taste. So be careful!

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - forextraspecialstuff - 08-06-2014

I don't do it often but occasionally I will feed my cat the tiniest amount of human food. She likes what I consider the "usuals" that all of my cats have eaten, tuna, cheese and deli turkey. I am most ok with the tuna but the milk and fat in the cheese worry me and I am not comfortable with all of the salt in deli turkey. The one food my cat loves that I think is unique to her is glazed cinnamon donuts. I have done a few experiments and I think it may be the cinnamon as opposed to the donut but if I am eating this type of donut I cannot sit by my cat because she will use her paw to try to bat the donut out of my hand as I am bringing it up to my mouth.

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - christinenicolehager - 08-11-2014

I have had many cats over the years and so has my family. My uncles family had 3 cats; Whiskers LOVED corn on the cob.. not just corn.. it had to be on the cob, and their other cat George(yes, George Rofl), he really liked lettuce. Rex was their first cat and from the time he was a kitten, everyday, he ate a Slim Jim. I know any cat would eat a Slim Jim, but he HAD to have one everyday and if they didn't give him it, he would cry until they did. It was so cute. BUT, by far the weirdest thing I have ever seen a cat eat.. or lick was spearmint chap stick. This was my little Toby. If I would have it on my lips and she smelled it, she would start licking it off my lips. It's not really eating but it was still very strange for a cat to like the taste of mint.

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - lily_lover - 08-20-2014

Besides the stereotypical tuna obsession, my cat likes lasagna, pad thai, boiled chicken, and McDonald's french fries (only McDonald's, mind you, and they have to be fresh piping hot). They have to be in bite-sized pieces, though, because he's a spoiled house cat and apparently doesn't know how to use his teeth. I wouldn't actually have known about the pad thai except I had a friend over who dropped some on the ground and he gobbled it right up before she had a chance to pick it up. He's also shown interest in fried rice and Red Lobster Cheddar Bay biscuits though I didn't allow him to actually eat any. Based off the food items, I think it's largely due to the butter/oil/grease that he smells. He's never shown any interest in other seafood besides tuna, strangely enough.

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - Danyel72 - 09-29-2014

We have 2 cats and they both will eat strange things on occasion. The one cat is in love with yogurt!!! Yes, yogurt! One day I was having lunch sitting on the couch and I let him try it... wrong move on my part. Smile Who would of ever thought a cat would love that? Now we can't sit on the couch anymore with yogurt, he tortures us until we give him some. Smile

Our other cat is in love with Doritos!!!! yes!!! He loves them and will sit there for an hour just licking the nacho cheese off of the chips. If you try to ignore him it is useless. He will take his paw and pat the side of your face until you give up the chip. Smile

What would we ever do without our silly kitties!!

Danyel Smile

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - cyberpuppet - 09-30-2014

Well I have know cats eat a few odd things - and one who was a people food thief who would hook food off plates with his paw when people weren't looking. He was particularly fond of younger children in this respect because even if adults managed to persuade the children not to feed him he could always hook food from their plates. He was supposed to be kept out of the room when people were eating but was an artist at hiding.

I think the 2 strangest tastes I have known were in my old tabby who I inherited when my mum died. He was fond of dried figs and would beg for the stalks to be given him rather than thrown out and also fried mushrooms. Never saw him eat raw mushrooms but if you fried them I reckon he would have polished off a whole portion if allowed. He never got more than a couple of fig stalks or small bits of fried mushroom and it did not seem to do him any harm as he got quite old before he got cancer.

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - kfander - 09-30-2014

She quit eating these things but for several years, one of my cats just loved olives, whether green or ripe, and she would drink the juice if I let her. She also loved pineapple.

Although it has been a couple of years since she has eaten these things, she still begs for olives whenever I have any out. It's as if she still has the memory of liking them but, once she is offered one, she quickly loses interest.

Perhaps that's not so strange, after all. Every now and then I will buy a package of Mallo Cups because I used to love Mallo Cups when I was a kid. Before I have completed even half of even one of the two cups that come in the package, I've had enough, as I now find them to be sickeningly sweet, and not something that I care for at all. Perhaps it's like that with her.

In the event that someone feels compelled to tell me that either olives or pineapple are not good for cats, you may be right, but she is twenty-four years old and, aside from some arthritis, she's doing pretty well.

RE: What weird foods will YOUR cat eat? - Kwriter93 - 10-05-2014

My cat, Sunny, loves to eat nearly anything he can sink his teeth into. He has the eating tastes of a dog! Here's just a few things that he likes to eat that are way out of the norm. He enjoys mashed potatoes, ice cream, potato skins, chicken flavored rice, anything fried, pieces of bread, mayonnaise, sandwich meat (he literally begs for this when the refrigerator is open), and his two most favorite weird foods are *drumroll* Doritos and Sun Chips. If he realizes that you're eating Sunchips or Doritos, he will forcefully nudge his little head to your hand and wait for his chance to steal. He's such a silly boy, I believe I have the weirdest cat that ever existed.