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Sanity saved by my cat! - shaybearlv - 09-04-2014

For the past week and a half, I have had this relentless noisy cricket in my house. Banghead I have torn apart my entire house looking for it and well you know, I never could find it and it was driving me BONKERS with all that chirping! I got my little Izzy now three days ago and she jumps up on my lap and drops this "thing" right on my lap. When I looked down, I see this big black, but dead cricket, I first shot it across the room with my hand and squealed, then I let out a big sigh of relief as I picked up Izzy and had her nuzzle into my neck like she knew how stressed I was about that stupid bug! My hero! Smile bowdown

RE: Sanity saved by my cat! - helaofthenorns - 09-08-2014

Aww that't sweet! Cats are really good natural hunters. There are a lot of rats in our house, and they would usually steal food from tables and cabinets. Ever since we adopted our cats, the number of rats has lessened. Every week, the cats would hunt three or more rats. They don't eat them though, just play with them until they are dead.

RE: Sanity saved by my cat! - Danyel72 - 10-14-2014

I have been it that same exact situation! About a month ago, didn't I see a roach in our home!!! We live in Florida but we're from upstate NY so that's a no go for me!!! We have our house professionally sprayed to completely avoid this!!

As we were sitting on the couch one night, I saw a little roach on the stairs! Of course, yelled to my husband, who took his old sweet time to actually try to get it. Smile He got it in a napkin but then dropped it and it ran away!! We tried for an hour to find that thing with no luck. Needless to say, I slept uneasy most of the night.

The next morning,[/font] I woke up and found it dead on the kitchen floor with my cat right beside it!!!

Yay for my little Wasabi... he totally saved the day !!!

Danyel Smile

RE: Sanity saved by my cat! - cyberpuppet - 10-14-2014

Our cats go for spiders and moths or anything else that moves for that matter. The problem is when they dont look where they are going to land when leaping up to catch something.
Unfortunately as well as relieving us of nasty bugs the cats lumber us with nasty rodents. We get field voles and even on one occasion a rat released in the house and we then have to catch and release these ourselves (I am sure the cats would be happy to help catch them again but I cant watch them toying with and killing little furries). OK most of their stuff is dead but they do bring in some live stuff. The funniest used to be frogs - you would come down in the morning and find a frog happily resting in the cats water bowl.

RE: Sanity saved by my cat! - Happyflowerlady - 10-17-2014

Cats are definitely great for catching little critters like bugs and rodents ! I used to have this beautiful Himalayan cat that loved to hunt, and he would even go after (and catch) those tiny lizards with the neon blue tail, and those little guys are FAST ! ! He spent a lot of time out hunting, but didn't always bring it back to us; so I suspect that he ate many of the tings that he caught.
That cat loved to go fishing with me. We had catfish ponds out behind the house, and they had some little bluegills in the pond which would bite about as fast as you could throw a worm in the water.
He even learned to watch the bobber, and when he saw it bobbing in the water, he knew that we had a bluegill on the line. When I landed the fish, I had to be careful because he would grab the fish and try to eat it, and I didn't want him to get the hook in his mouth accidently.

RE: Sanity saved by my cat! - sillylucy - 10-23-2014

I love it when cats do this! They save me all of the time during the summer when those bugs get into my house. I love my little kitties. The kitties are the ones who get all of the house flies and keep my house pest free. I give them treats every time that they get a house fly or a water bug.