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Freshwater Aquarium Beginner Guides - Printable Version

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Freshwater Aquarium Beginner Guides - Thor - 05-07-2012

The following is a collection of fish articles in our fish section under the library.  More articles will be added and the list here will be updated.   If you are an experienced fish hobbyist and also a good write, we can use your help to complete our guides for beginners.   If you are interested in submitting your own fish keeping articles please contact us.

Fish articles -
Set up an aquarium might be involving more than most people think.
How to set up an aquarium

Where to set up your home aquarium is more important than you think.
The location to set up a home aquarium.

10 Things to Know Before Starting a Fish Tank

The size of a fish tank is the first thing you should be considering in your plan of getting pet fish.  Do not get a tank too small for the fish.  The reasons and some general rules are discussed in this article.
Fish Tank Size Requirement (How Big is Enough)

An aquarium filter is a must if you want to have a fish tank at all.  Check out this article to see why it is important and how to pick one for your aquarium.
Choose an aquarium filter

Having an aquarium heater is mandatory if you want to have tropical fish.   Some of the important facts about the heaters are discussed here.
Aquarium Heater (For Tropical Fish)

The air stone powered by an air pump make the bubbles in the aquarium.  What is it for?  How do I install it?
Aquarium Air Pump

Aquarium substrate is for covering the bottom of a fish tank.  While majority of the fish do not care what substrate you use, some bottom feeders such as catfish have special requirement.  Planted aquariums can also benefit from the correct choice of substrate.
The Best Aquarium Substrates for Planted and Non-Planted Aquariums

An Aquarium water conditioner is a must as long as you use tap water for your fish.  
Top 5 Aquarium Water Conditioners

Aquarium Nitrogen Cycle is something every fish keeper must learn before getting into the fish keeping hobby at all.
Aquarium Nitrogen Cycle and Fishless Cycling.

Many fish die quickly after being brought home.   Some of the most common beginner mistakes and their solutions are discussed in the following.
Why did fish die? (Common beginner mistakes).

Adding new fish to your home aquarium is quite exciting.  However, doing it wrong can result in fish losses.
3 Important Steps to Introduce New Fish to Your Home Aquarium

Many new fish hobbyists have a hard time to keep their fish tanks clean.  It is easy to keep the fish tank clean if you do everything right.
10 Tips on How to Keep a Fish Tank Clean

A healthy aquarium requires regular maintenance.   This article discusses what is needed to be done during the aquarium maintenance, and how often.
Aquarium Maintenance ( How to Clean a Fish Tank )

Feeding the fish is fun and it is a good chance for the fish owners to interact with their finned friends.  It is important to know what to feed the fish in order to get the most out of it.
What to Feed the Fish in an Aquarium

Good fish feeding routine is required to avoid fish death and to keep the fish and entire aquarium system healthy.  How much and how often should we feed the fish?
How much and How often to feed the fish
7 Reasons Why Overfeeding Fish is Bad

Tips to enhance your fish colors naturally.
Tips to improve fish colors.

Best fish food (brands) that can enhance fish colors naturally.
Best fish food to improve fish colors.

Not all fish food is suitable for all types of fish species.  Bottom feeders for example, might not get enough share if we do not use bottom feeder specific food in a community aquarium.  
5 Best Fish Food for Bottom Feeders in an Aquarium

Sometimes even in a well cycled aquarium, sudden ammonia and nitrite spike can happen.  It is also called mini-cycle.  There are some good tips to help the fish to get through it.
7 Tips to fix Ammonia and nitrite spike in a fish aquarium

Tips to get rid of pest snails in your aquarium or fish pond.
How to get rid of pest snails

Tips to get rid of algae in your aquarium.
How to get rid of algae in your aquarium

For serious aquarium hobbyists, a quarantine tank is very important.  There is always the threat of contagious fish diseases and parasites.   The risk of adding new fish directly into your main aquarium is very high.   A quarantine tank can come in handy for making sure the new fish is healthy before introduce them to your main tank.  It can also be useful for treating the sick fish separately without affecting the main tank.
Quarantine Tank (Hospital Tank) for Fish

Aquarium water quality is as important to fish as air quality to humans.  
11 Tips to Keep Aquarium Water Quality Excellent

Some aquarium water conditioners can detoxify or remove ammonia and nitrite temporarily.  It is very useful for new aquariums to reduce fish loss.   
5 Aquarium Water Conditioners that can Detoxify Ammonia and Nitrite

Betta is one of the most popular fishes in aquarium keeping.  It is also one of the most mistreated fish due to many misconception about their basic needs.  Proper betta tank setup is the first step to take care of betta correctly.   
Betta Fish Tank Setup and Basic Care (Siamese Fighting Fish Aquarium Setup and Care)