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Strange things your pet is attracted to - Printable Version

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RE: Strange things your pet is attracted to - MindyT - 08-26-2014

There is one thing that, strangely, does nothing for him: the sounds of other cats meowing. I tried to elicit a reaction using cat videos on Youtube, but he just doesn't care at all for the sounds. Is it possible he knows they're not coming from a real cat?

My cats do not react to any of the sounds in a video either. I have tried many videos on YouTube, different sounds in apps and games, and even videos posted on Facebook. There is never a reaction from neither of my cats. I think they know the sounds, whether they are purring, meows, or hissing, are fake. Maybe they sound too electronic or odd to their ears. I just think they are smarter than what we give them credit for sometimes!

RE: Strange things your pet is attracted to - Happyflowerlady - 08-26-2014

We had a little Pomeranian named Queen of Sheba, and she would always lie close to us when we were watching television. She would often listen to the noises on there, and once, when we were watching Animal Planet, and there were kittens on the program; Sheba started looking all over around and behind the television trying to find those kittens !
I think the one thing that she was most fascinated by was the door bell. Even thought she was only a tiny 4 lb teacup Pom, she thought she was the family guard dog. Anytime the doorbell would ring, she was right there, running p to the door to let us know we had company.
The only bad thing about this was that she could not tell the difference between a real doorbell, and one on the television; so whenever someone rang a doorbell on the TV, she would jump up and run to the door, barking loudly! She could never understand why there was no one there, when she KNEW that she heard someone ringing the doorbell.

RE: Strange things your pet is attracted to - helaofthenorns - 08-31-2014

For some reason, my cats are all very attracted to the bamboo plant we have in our garden. Every morning, they would spend an hour there just eating the leaves or gnawing the barks. I don't know why they do this though because the only plant I know that cats are attracted to is catnip. We don't have catnip though.

They are also very fond of out pitbull named Sheena. They would always play with her in the morning even if Sheena cannot catch them because she is too fat. It's really amazing because dogs and cats are always considered mortal enemies. It's a good thing that I never believed that. Smile

RE: Strange things your pet is attracted to - Miranda Boldari - 12-23-2014

My dog is attracted to watermelons. I am not sure I really want to know why. We bring them all the time around summer and he wont let us cut it. It's not like he thinks it's a big green ball. Just props it between his front paws and licks it all over, careful not to nick it anywhere. He even sleeps with it and rubs his mug against it like his personal soft toy...

RE: Strange things your pet is attracted to - PatriciaSilva - 12-08-2015

Now, this is a little bit disgusting , but my dog is definitely attracted to my cat's shit, which i found out only some time ago. I thought about buying another kind of box but i figure my dog will find a way of sneaking into the box and eat it anyway...! Any suggestions?

RE: Strange things your pet is attracted to - GabrielHerb - 07-08-2016

I have a young cat who goes crazy for a crumpled piece of paper. We have bought her numerous toys that she will play with for a moment and then discard. yet as soon as she hears a piece of paper being crumpled in another room she pretty much begs for you to throw it and will bat it around the house for hours! often she will play fetch and bring the paper ball back. it's hilarious how her ears perk up at a crackle.

RE: Strange things your pet is attracted to - Novelangel - 08-05-2016

My calico, Callie-sue, is in love with a certain toy. My husband picked it up for her on a trip to the dentist one day. It's a little green helicopter toy that flies off a yellow, plastic launching stick. She loves chasing that thing, but I have to hide it from her when the game is over or she will try to eat the helicopter part. She also enjoys chewing on electrical cords, which I would say is pretty much what your average cat likes to do.

Callie likes to help me do my gardening. I keep an indoor garden full of healthy house plants, including banana and orange trees. Whenever I see a yellow or dried up leaf, I will prune it from the plant and throw it away. My kitty comes up and watches me and as soon as I'm done she starts chewing on and removing the pretty green leaves from the plants I've pruned. It's almost like she is saying, "look mom. You missed some. But don't worry, I got this." She looks so proud of herself as she mutilates my little green friends. LOL.

RE: Strange things your pet is attracted to - kfander - 08-05-2016

My cats have a lot of toys. I had a cat that I had taken in as a feral adult, and she would make very good use of the toys, even putting them away when she was done. Every now and then, she would gather up every toy in the house and put them in one place. This include pens that she stole off my desk and anything else that struck her fancy, however. Unfortunately, she is no longer with me. She lived to be twenty-two and was playful to the end.

I have two twenty-six year olds, and they don't do a lot of playing with toys. One of them uses them as props, though. She will bring me a toy and meow in order to get my attention. Then she will ask for whatever it is that she wants. She might get into her box if she wants me to slide her around the room or fly her through the air in the box. Or she might get me to follow her if she wants to go out, if she wants more food, or if the water bowl is empty, simply by leading me to whatever it is that she needs. Sometimes, it's clear that she hadn't really decided what it was that she wanted before she got my attention. She will look at her box, decide no, that's not what she wants. Then if I follow her, I can see that she's trying to decide on something.

Our three year old is very playful, but she doesn't make a lot of use of the toys that we have around. She loves Da Bird and isn't impressed with any of the knock offs. She'll get excited when I take out the toy, then simply walk away if it's not Da Bird.

Her favorite toys, and pretty much the only ones she will play with by herself, are plastic bottle caps, like from a water or milk bottle. She will bat them all over the room, and sometimes carry them to the stairs where she will throw a cap down and chase after it, then carry it back up the stairs again.

She's got balls that she can spin around a circle. She has things that she can bat at, and they'll pop right back up. She's got any number of toys, but she'd rather have a bottle cap. She's more thrilled with boxes than she is with anything that might have come in them. If something comes in a large box, I can cut flaps and windows in it and she will spend hours in her new fort. After she tires of it, I can compost it.