Thank you for your reply. There is no gas in the apartment building but I had a similar thought about sounds. I checked with the other neighbours to see if their dogs were ok and they seem to be fine. I know one of the neighbours has used an anti-barking collar in the past and it has driven her crazy but, this is more scared than anything else. For the past two nights she hasn't woken up barking at the wall so that's a start. Other than that I can't really think of anything that has changed, even slightly, that I am aware of inside the building. I have been having some major health issues recently and I know it really upsets her when I am having a bad day. I wonder if its related to her behaviour at all.
She'll be playing normally and then like a switch has flicked she'll start cowering, barking and, sometimes hyperventilating. She'll hide under the bed or tries to get as close to me as possible, even to the point sitting on my head. She sometimes positions herself directly in front of me as if trying to protect me from something I can't see.
I just wish I knew what was happening as its really upsetting seeing her so distressed.