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Exclamation Second year anniversary contests with cash prizes!
Posted by: Thor - 02-26-2014, 12:34 PM - Forum: Announcement - No Replies

Hello fellow pet keepers,

It has been two years since the launch of Pets Keepers Guide on 2/20/2012. Thanks everyone who has been contributing to this wonderful community! We will have a new event with multiple contests with the goal of reward our most dedicated members.

The event will have three separated contests.
1. The most informative posts
2. The best questions
3. The most active member

The Most Informative Posts (The Prize = $50 USD through Paypal)
Through the period 3/01/2014 to 6/30/2014, whoever can make the most very informative posts will get the prize. Try your best to answer pet questions from other members. Creating informative threads on your own (ex: how to take care of certain pets) will also be great.

The Best Questions (The Prize = $50 USD through Paypal)
Through the period of 3/01/2014 to 6/30/2014, whoever can ask most of the best pet related questions will be the winner. Any question related to pets will do. These questions may include but not limited to ask for help, “technical” questions about pets, good survey type of questions related to pets.

The most referral (The Prize = $50 USD through Paypal)
Whoever can bring in most new members between 3/01/2014 to 6/30/2014 through referral will be the winner! (The referred members will only be counted if they have been active and made at least 30 posts by the end of the event)

A single member can win one or more prizes if he or she is clearly the winner for each contest. Yes, it means the maximal total you can win is $150 USD.

The minimal requirements to be the winners for all three contests
a. All posts count toward the contests must be pet related. (Asking about how to kill cockroaches in the pet insect forum is definitely not a pet related question.) Posts in off-topic section or any other subforums without post count won't be counted.
b. You must have total minimal 100 posts made with minimal average daily post count of 5 during the 4 months of contest period from 3/01/2014 to 6/30/2014.
c. You must be a member of the forum for at least 14 days by 6/30/2014 to be a candidate for the winner.
d. You must not spam, and your posts must not be too short, low quality, or irrelevant. One-liner or two lines all the time will not win you the contests. Only informative long posts are appreciated.
e. No copy and paste from other sites is allowed. You may make short summaries of what you have learned elsewhere in your own words. It is required to post the source link if you copied more than a few entire sentences without a word of your own.

Please note that only the posts in the sections where there is post count will be included.
Please stay on the topics. Anything unrelated to pets will be moved to off-topic sections, and the posts will not be counted toward the event.

We reserve the rights to modify the rules for the contests if we see exploiting of the rules.
We reserve the rights to cancel one or more contests if there is an overall lack of interest and participation or wide spread abuse.

Any update will be posted right here in this thread. If you are interested in and actively participating in the events, you might want to keep eyes on this thread.

The contests will effectively start on 3/01/2014 @ 0:00am US Eastern Time. The cut off time will be on 6/30/2014 @ 0:00am US Eastern Time.

If you have any questions regarding to the event, feel free to ask right here in this thread.

For the information on previous successful contests, click here.

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Thumbs Up The One-Year Anniversary Contests!
Posted by: Thor - 02-19-2013, 09:58 PM - Forum: Announcement - Replies (1)

Dear fellow pet keepers,

Time flies. It has been exactly one year since the launch of Pets Keepers Guide on 2/20/2012. Thanks everyone who has been contributing to this community! Thumbsup The One-Year Anniversary is on 2/20/2013, and we will launch a new series of contests on our pet forum with cash prizes for the winners!

The event will have three contests.
1. The most informative posts
2. The best questions
3. The most active member

The Most Informative Posts (The Prize = $10 USD through Paypal)
Through the period 2/20/2013 to 5/20/2013, whoever can make most informative posts will get the prize. Try your best to answer pet questions from other members. Creating informative threads on your own (ex: how to take care of certain pets) will also be great.

The Best Questions (The Prize = $10 USD through Paypal)
Through the period of 2/20/2013 to 5/20/2013, whoever can ask most of the best pet related questions will get to be the winner. Any question related to pets will do. These questions may include but not limited to ask for help, “technical” questions about pets, good survey type of questions related to pets.

The most active member (The Prize = $10 USD through Paypal)
Whoever can make the most posts (without spam) during the event will get the prize of being the most active member.

A single member can win one or more prizes if he or she is clearly the winner for each contest. Yes, it means the maximal total you can win is $30.

The minimal requirements to be the winners for all three contests
a. All posts count toward the contests must be pet related. (Asking about how to kill cockroaches in the pet insect forum is definitely not a pet related question.)
b. You must have an average daily post count of 5 or more during the entire period of the contest. (If you joined as a new member in the middle of the contest, the daily average post count will be using the number of days you had been a member)
c. You must be a member of the forum for at least 14 days by 5/20/2013.
d. You must not spam, and your posts must not be too short, low quality, or irrelevant.
e. No copy and paste from other sites is allowed. You may make short summaries of what you learned elsewhere in your own words. It is required to post the source link if you copied more than an entire sentence without a word of your own.

More tips for winning -
If you can refer someone new to join the forum, 20% of his or her post count will be counted toward yours for the contests. Make sure your friends use the referral feature when they sign up, because we will only count those referrals in your profile.

Please note that only the posts in the sections where there is post count will be included.
Please stay on the topics. Anything unrelated to pets will be moved to off-topic sections, and the posts will not be counted toward the event.

We reserve the rights to modify the rules for the contests.
We reserve the rights to cancel one or more contests if there is an overall lack of interest and participation or wide spread abuse.

Any update will be posted right here in this thread. If you are interested in and actively participating in the events, you might want to keep eyes on this thread.

The contests will effectively start on 2/20/2013 @ 0:00am US Eastern Time. The cut off time will be on 5/21/2013 @ 0:00am US Eastern Time.

If you have any questions regarding to the event, feel free to ask right in this thread.

For the information on previous contests, click here.

The contest was closed due to lack of participation. No one has reached the minimal requirement of average 5 daily post count.

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Thumbs Up Pet news section is now open!
Posted by: Thor - 01-26-2013, 11:33 PM - Forum: Announcement - Replies (1)

I am sure every now and then every one of us would like to share some news story about pets we read elsewhere with everyone here.

From now on, all topics related to a published news article of pet (from elsewhere) need to go into the Pet News Forum.

Anything good, bad, funny, odd, etc. you saw in the news about pet(s) can now be shared with everyone in this forum section. Yes, news of all pet species belong there.

Please read the rules before posting there. Smile

If you have any questions, suggestions, or doubts, you may ask them here. Smile

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Exclamation Forum rolled back a few hours on 12/23/2012
Posted by: Thor - 12-25-2012, 03:09 AM - Forum: Announcement - No Replies

On 12/23/2012, the forum encountered some technical issues. In an attempt to restore the files, the forum database was rolled back to few hours earlier.

Some members might have noticed missing posts and threads. There were even missing members unfortunately. The last a few members who signed up no longer have their accounts. Sad

We apologize for the inconvenience. This will not happen again.

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Exclamation Summer 2012 Contests with cash prizes!
Posted by: Thor - 06-18-2012, 03:38 AM - Forum: Announcement - No Replies

Instead of a single contest, we have decided to go with 3 contests simultaneously this time! It will give everyone a better chance to win something. Smile

Contest #1 - Most Popular Threads
Prize - $15 USD in cash
* Whoever can create the highest number of most interesting and popular threads will be the winner.
Create as many as you can if you think your topics will be interesting enough to attract many replies. The popularity of a thread will be judged by the number of good replies. Don't worry if your topic is a newbie question. In fact, we encourage it. If it attracts good informative answers, then it is a good thread. Smile

Contest #2 - The most informative answers
Prize - $15 USD in cash
* Whoever can have the highest number of good/informative replies will be the winner. Do your little homework before making a reply unless you know your stuff already, your answer will be more informative than you just simply write off your mind. Wink
The number of replies alone will not be the decisive factor. Only the number of high quality replies will be counted. Thumbsup

Contest #3 - The most recruits
Prize - $1 x the number of referrals.
* Whoever can recruit most members will be the winner.
Make sure whoever you recruit will add your user name in the "referral" box when they sign up. Or they will not be counted.
There is no limit on how many people you can recruit. However, only those members (you recruited) who have made at least 10 quality posts and are still active by the time of picking the winner will be counted. Inactive members will not be included.
*Do not attempt to cheat. Staff members can see your IP addresses and other information which can identify you if you have made multiple accounts yourself in an attempt to pretend they are real people you recruited. Any attempt to cheat in a contest will result in permanent ban from the forum. Play nice! Smile

The contests start now, and it will end at the end of August.
All statistics will be collected through June 17 to August 31.
Each person can win multiple contests if he/she deserve it.
The winners will be announced in early September.

All prize money will be in US dollar sent through Paypal only. If you do not yet have a Paypal account, you can sign up one for free.

Forum staff reserve the right to cancel any of the contests if they see fit. Such as the lack of participation, abuse of the system/rules, and other reasons. If a cancellation shall take place, it will be announced at least one week before the end of the contests.
We may also change the rules if it is absolutely necessary for the fairness of the contests. All updates will be posted as replies in this thread at the same time of editing the primary post. We suggest you check this thread at least once a week if you are really going for it.. Wink

If you have any question or concern about these 3 contests, feel free to ask questions here in this thread. Smile

Information on the previous contest winner.

The contests were cancelled due to a general lack of interest and participation.

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