Let me start by saying almost all my pets are from Craigslist. The reason? Simply because I get on there are feel so sorry for the pet that is being "tossed aside." I can't even count the number of times I have seen the posts saying "please get or I will have to take to shelter." Here are the most common I see and my opinion of them (feel free to add yours) Please notice I use family member and not pet...this is what they are.
"moving next week and can't take dog"
Really? First of all you just NOW figured out you were moving and couldn't take a member of the family with you? You wait until you have 7 days to find a suitable home for him? Secondly, there are no apartments or houses or trailers available in your city that you can have your family member join you?
"my kid wanted him and now won't care for him"
This one ranks in my MOST hated. You got your 5 year old a corn snake and really thought he would be able to properly care for it on his own?????
"no longer have time"
does this mean when you have to work overtime you find a home for your child too?
and this one I saw today and was
"my son wants a new pet so we have to get rid of our..."
WOW really???? Because you got this pet for your child when he wanted it, and now he wants another you are throwing away the first!?!?! And when you want a second child are you going to throw away the first????
Ok sorry had to vent...share yours please, I want to know I am not alone in being angry at invisible people on Craigslist.