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Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
04-09-2015, 02:10 AM,
Happyflowerlady Offline


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Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
My Chipper has all sorts of little sounds that he makes when he is communicating with us. When he wants something; he will make kind of a squeaking noise, and if he is really excited about it (a bite of chicken, maybe ?) then he sits up and puts his paws in the air and "says please".
If Tootsie is barking of there is a loud noise, then Chipper has a shrill little bark, which he does to alert me. He will run right up to me and bark towards me, so i am sure that he is trying to tell me that there in an emergency of some sort, and i need to take care of it right away.
Now, when Chipper is sleeping, he does NOT want to wake up, unless he is ready to wake up. He will grumble and make growling noises, like he is a ferocious dog when he does not want to be woke up or has to move and he is sleeping.
he likes to go behind the couch and snooze; but whenit is bed time; we haave to call him to come out from behind the couch. He will come out; but you can hear him complaining the whole time that he is crawling out from behind there.
I love how he has all of his little dfferent ways of communicating with us.
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04-09-2015, 06:41 AM, (This post was last modified: 04-09-2015, 06:42 AM by kfander.)
kfander Offline


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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
I have three cats. Cutie and Lydia are sisters, and they are twenty-four years old. Ella is just over a year old.

Although I have read in several books that cats meow as a way of communicating with people, not one another, Lydia calls for Ella all the time. For some reason, once she accepted Ella into the house, she wants to have her by her side whenever she's not in one of her cat beds. On her part, Ella dutifully comes running more often than not. I don't know what it's about because they seldom play. Rather, they simply walk around the house together. Lydia never speaks to me. She loves to be petted and to be brushed, but only when she is in one of her safe zones, these being her cat beds or the cat tree. Lydia has always been a flake.

Cutie meows to get my attention when I am working on the computer or not otherwise noticing her. Once she has my attention, she communicates in other ways. She has her own cardboard box, which no other cat is allowed to set foot in, let alone lie down in, and she loves it when I pick up her box while she's in it, and fly her around the room, lift her up to the ceiling, drag her across the floor, or simply set her box on my lap while she's in it. I call that box time and once she gets my attention, if I reach down to pet her she will retreat to her box, which is her way of telling me that she wants box time. For about a year, she had a tradition of bringing me a toy, which she used purely as a prop, as a way of signaling the need for box time. At time, there was only enough time between box times for her to find another toy and bring it to me. Otherwise, if she's hungry, she will meow in the same way, to get my attention, then retreat to her feeding station. She might want me to lie down in the bed with her, and will lead me upstairs to the bed as a way of conveying that message. Basically, the meow is to get my attention, and the rest of it is a matter of leading me to whatever it is that she wants. There are also times when she gets my attention for reasons that I am unable to determine.

Being young, I haven't quite figured Ella out yet. When she doesn't like a particular type of cat food, she will make digging motions alongside the bowl, as if to cover it up, before walking away. She also inspects each litter box as I am cleaning it, and will let me know if she doesn't think it's clean enough. Being twenty-four, Lydia sometimes has "accidents" outside of the litter box, and Ella will tell on her. Other things are harder to tell. She will often check in with me by putting her paws on my knee, sinking her claws in just enough to get my attention. That seems to simply be a way of saying hello as she's passing through.

She has a bad habit of scratching on door posts. Yesterday, when she did that, I said, "Ella, quit tearing my house apart." She stopped and looked at me, then walked over to one of the legitimate cat scratchers that we have in the house, put her paws on it, and looked at me, as if to say, "Can I scratch here?" Then she went to the sisal rope on the cat tree and did the same thing. That was quite impressive, except that a few minutes later, she was scratching on the door post again.

I have always had cats, and they do seem to make an effort to communicate. Some are better at it than others, but I'm not always so good at listening either.
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04-10-2015, 05:18 PM,
TamannaKhare Offline
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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
Yes, I Have one dog and one cat they love to talk with each other and also with me Smile They are always trying to understand me what I am saying and gave me response on that topic.
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04-15-2015, 12:58 PM,
reyna Offline

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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
I have a few cat's ginger she a yellow tabby I had her for 6yrs know and she love to talk to me ,like one time when she was about to have her litter she would let me help her have the litter ..
know there is trinty she is a calico also 6yrs she also talk and let me know if somebody was outside of the house
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04-17-2015, 12:21 PM,
Shihtzufan Offline
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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
My dog definitely does! If I look him directly in the eye and talk at him he assumes I'm trying to converse with him and does tiny little barks in quick succession back! If only I knew what he was trying to say to me!
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05-07-2015, 11:53 PM,
jeskalillis Offline
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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
I wouldn't call it talking, but they definitely communicate. My husband's cat will make little meows when we talk to her. Like when we go visit her (she doesn't live with us unfortunately), we ask her if she missed us and she gives a little meow back. We take that to mean that she does miss us!! My mom's cat will also meow in response to some things she says. My mom believes that when ever she tells her cat "I love you", the cat responds by flicking her tail saying " yeah, I love you too".

Right now my husband and I are doggy sitting his mom's dogs. The min pin will respond when I ask if he wants to go out and pee, by barking and getting all excited. I am sure I could come up with more examples, but I definitely believe that our pets communicate with us.
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05-08-2015, 08:53 AM,
Bloomsie Offline
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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
YES! Not only does my cat talk to me, but he gives me so much attitude that it can get so annoying!

I mean, I go to school out of town and when I come back, he meows so loudly that I feel he's going to blow out his vocal chords. When I hear him do this, I know that he's yelling at me. I'm the only female in his life and the fact that I leave for long periods of time and come back, he's often going through separation anxiety and gives me a piece of his mind when he sees me. Then when I try to talk to him, he gives me attitude and scurries off somewhere else and hides. Only until a couple hours has passed would he come find me and meow non-stop with his high shrivel voice. I can already tell that he's probably relaxed and over his anger from earlier and is now wanting to have a conversation with me.

A part of me really wishes I knew how to speak to animals. My cat is so talkative that I'd love to know what he's saying. He's probably talking about what he saw outside throughout the day when mad at me or even some juicy gossip about my family that only he has witnessed! Who knows?!
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05-26-2015, 06:09 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-26-2015, 06:10 AM by Jelly.)
Jelly Offline
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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
Of course they do.. And it was the cutest moment for me when I found them talking to me for first time.
Not only my dog and cat but my mice also understands me.. The language of emotions is common in all species Smile
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06-05-2015, 04:18 PM,
SarahWorksAtHome Offline
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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
(04-09-2015, 02:10 AM)Happyflowerlady Wrote: My Chipper has all sorts of little sounds that he makes when he is communicating with us. When he wants something; he will make kind of a squeaking noise, and if he is really excited about it (a bite of chicken, maybe ?) then he sits up and puts his paws in the air and "says please".
If Tootsie is barking of there is a loud noise, then Chipper has a shrill little bark, which he does to alert me. He will run right up to me and bark towards me, so i am sure that he is trying to tell me that there in an emergency of some sort, and i need to take care of it right away.
Now, when Chipper is sleeping, he does NOT want to wake up, unless he is ready to wake up. He will grumble and make growling noises, like he is a ferocious dog when he does not want to be woke up or has to move and he is sleeping.
he likes to go behind the couch and snooze; but whenit is bed time; we haave to call him to come out from behind the couch. He will come out; but you can hear him complaining the whole time that he is crawling out from behind there.
I love how he has all of his little dfferent ways of communicating with us.

Oh, that Chipper sounds like an adorable ball of personality! I bet he is great!

My big girl (I have two pups, a boxer-pit and a dachsund-pit), she whines in her sleep, growls when you nudge her while she's sleeping and only barks when she is being fussed at or someone is at the door. My little girl is a mouthy little thing that barks for absolutely no reason sometimes. She'll even go in the middle room we keep empty just to hear the echo sometimes, I believe!
Big girl Rosie has been lately repeating a "RuhRohRoo" type of sound after we tell her "I love you Ro!" and when we ask her what she's up to or what she's doing she replies with "ruuhhh?" like she's asking, "what?". She's much more responsive than our little yapper girl Coco.
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06-09-2015, 10:02 AM,
Happyflowerlady Offline


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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
It seems to me that some pets are actively interested in what we say to them, and they try to understand everything we tell them. Others just kind of listen when they think it might be something that is important to them, like "do you want a snack?" kind of a question.
Chipper seemms like he listens to everything that i am saying ,even when i am not talking dirctly to him, he is paying attention. If my husband says he is thinking about going to bed, then Chipper is listening, and knows it is time for his last little trip outside before bedtime.
Tootsie pays absolutely no attention to anything, unless she thinks it involves her, or food of some sort. It has taken her months to figure out what "go do your chores" means, although she perfectly well understands that when Chipper goes to the bathroom, they can come back in. She would watch him, instead of doing that herself, and then look at me as if to say they were all done now.
She doesn't try to communicate or interact at all, like chipper does, yet, I know that she is a very intelligent little dog. She just isn't interested, I guess.
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06-25-2015, 01:30 AM,
Connie Offline
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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
One of the dogs we used to dog sit for (a collie) would 'speak' to you from time to time. He was, otherwise, a completely silent dog, not one to bark at all unlike his sister. But on the first occasion it happened, my husband and I were standing holding each other after some bad family news. I was upset and both dogs knew it. Tom (the name of the dog) came up to us and sat down alongside me and literally said the word 'woof'. We both looked at each and after asking my husband if Tom had just said woof rather than barked, burst out laughing (I had been crying). At this point, Tom very quietly got up and returned to his sister and his bed and lay down as though his job was done. He is a dog of few words literally, but he chooses his moments carefully and with almost human understanding at times.
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07-01-2015, 02:47 PM, (This post was last modified: 07-01-2015, 02:47 PM by niightwind.)
niightwind Offline
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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
My dog is generally very quiet, unless there's someone at the door or he hears a strange sound, but I definitely feel like I've had a few conversations with my kitty! She is very vocal (something I think is common from Siamese cats), and always greets me with a meow when I come over to pet her. The other day I came home from getting food and she was sitting on the front porch, and as soon as I got out of the car she rushed over to me and let out a long meow before rolling over on the sidewalk and looking like she wanted to petting. I meowed back at her and she meowed back at me, and we went back at forth meowing at each other for a little bit. Tongue Scarlet (kitty's name) also has a very big purr, and sometimes she starts to purr before I even start petting her. I've had times where I just glanced over at her while I was working on something and she immediately started purring, or rushed right over to me and mewled for attention. I've never had a cat as vocal as she is, but it is really adorable and I love my chats with her.
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07-01-2015, 04:40 PM,
peidi Offline
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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
Every time I go home, the dog will jump on me to say welcome. And flip over its body around my feet to say 'come and paly with me'.
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08-28-2015, 02:27 PM,
Susan Offline
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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
I believe that my cats do. When they want something whether it be food or attention, they meow in different sounds. You can always know what they want by the tone that they use. When you get up in the morning or get home from work and you say hello to them they reply back with a different tone then they do if you ask them if they want something or eat or want treats. Both of my cars are very vocal and well always respond when you speak to them. My daughter's cat actually speaks. She says "Hello" which is really cute but also kind of crazy at the same time.
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11-13-2015, 02:55 AM,
CRM31 Offline
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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
We had a lovely tom cat called Zeke. He had this big meow he'd make if you as much as looked at him, but I swear he had special meows for different occasions. When my mum got home from work (this was when I still lived at home) he'd run to the windowsil and do one meow at her until she came in from the car. There was one which almost sounded like "milk", sort of "meaaaalk", and another which sounded like my dad's name. I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose or try to mimic our voices but it was fun to imagine the sounds were actually words.

He also said "mowt" which we joked meant "I'm out" - he used to wait outsides the bathroom and if we were all getting ready for school, we'd say "I'm out!" after our turn brushing teeth, and he'd make "mowt" noises too.
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11-13-2015, 08:40 AM,
lexinonomous Offline
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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
My English Mastiff is the only dog that will talk to me. There are times where I question if he is trying to have a full on conversation with me. Ever since he was a puppy he has always opened his mouth and mimicked random things we would say. We used to yell "I love you" to him as a puppy, which made him howl back at us. It was the cutest thing in the world and still is. I think dogs are aware of what we're doing and at times might just want to entertain us. I believe they know that nothing will come out of their mouths and make sense, but they'll try anyway. Smile
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12-08-2015, 09:58 AM,
PatriciaSilva Offline
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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
My dog has some funny ways of talking to me, he often wakes me up. He uses his paws and makes a funny noise like if howling softly when he's tired of waiting for me to wake up. He also goes to the door and barks when he wants to go for his walk sooner!
When i play with him and behave like a dog, pretending to bite him, he grumbles and rolls!
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03-06-2016, 04:23 PM,
remnant Offline


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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
My dog talks to me through body language as many pets are won't to do. When he sees me he looks at me directly in the eyes. What intrigues me is the that pets do this cautiously. I have learnt to read his body language. An expectant look means that he is hungry. Smiling eyes mean that he is up to some mischief. When he is hungry, he runs off and lies on the ground pensively. He also makes some whinig moans when he is impatient or hungry.
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05-26-2016, 05:39 PM,
Corzhens Offline


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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
Tisoy is our 8-year old spitz who is very affectionate. When he wants something, he would pat our leg with his paw. And when we look at him, he would be emitting a sound that is not a bark or a yelp as if he is saying something. Of course, we do not understand so what he does is to stare at us while moving to the direction that he wants to go. Normally, he does that when he want to answer the call of nature or when he is thirsty, he would point to the kitchen.
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05-26-2016, 09:34 PM,
maxen57 Offline


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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
My aunt's other dog Candice, the little sweetheart that died two years ago used to make an excited sound whenever she sees one of us coming home or when she knows she's going to eat. She was a Shih Tzu and I loved her very much that's why I got a Shih Tzu of my own. Sandy, on the other hand, doesn't bark but she actually taps you on your back if she wants a belly rub. My own Clio is the "supervisor" when her dinner is being made and barks at me a lot, lol!
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05-27-2016, 04:12 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-27-2016, 04:13 AM by Happyflowerlady.)
Happyflowerlady Offline


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RE: Does your dog or cat talk to you ?
Chipper is a Yorkie-Poo, and his mother was Peaches, a little apricot and cream poodle. Her tail was clipped very short (when we got her it was that way), and she had short little legs and a round little body; so all in all , Peaches looked like a teeny-tiny sheep.
She was incredibly intelligent, and I am sure that is where most of Chipper's intelligence level came from.
Peaches would sometimes even try to talk and say actual words.

When she wanted a drink, and I would be busy on the computer, she would come and sit in the doorway and say "waa-waa" to me.
If I ignored her, she would take her little paw and scrape the side of the door jamb, and say it again, a little bit louder.
Finally, I would ask her, "Do you want a drink of water, Peaches ?", and she would cock her little head sideways at me like she wondered why it took so long for me to undertand plain English.
Then she would spin in circles and run into the kitchen for her drink of water.
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