I've spent time completely rabbit-proofing the small salon where I sit to read, write and work. It is the best room for the rabbit - she has my companionship most of the time and there is not too much clutter.
The final thing that I made was a gate for the doorway - so that she could see into the kitchen/diner when I was in there and interract safely with the dogs.
I rabbit-proofed the cables and made sure everything was safe for her. Yesterday evening I sat on the sofa reading. I had left the gate to her "compound" open - she tentatively came out and went back in again a few times. She had a little snooze inside - then came out and ventured forth a wee bit before returning "home".
She did this a few times over the course of an hour or so - a little bolder each time. She sat at the gate looking out at the dogs - and again later whilst I was making a cup of tea. She sat quite happily at the gate watching.
This morning, after seeing to the animals' needs, I sat down at the kitchen table to eat my breakfast. Nadine, the rabbit, was confidently exploring the salon. She came to the gate a couple of times and shared sniffs with the dogs.
Then one of the dogs started whining and kind of walking backwards. I soothed him. But then he did it again. He was whining at the slightly ajar door to my bedroom - which is right next to the door to tha salon. I looked in the bedroom - and there was Nadine on my pillow!
The gate to the salon was still closed, none of the sections were broken or wires bent (not that she could bend them - I can't). there were no gaps - no way of escape that I could see.
But at least I know that the dogs are just a little bit scared of her / in awe of her !
So, tonight, with the dogs in another room, I shall read quietly in my rocking chair in the kitchen/diner, in full view of Nadine and watch in the hope that she'll give her escape route away.