Personally I think it might bring some unexpected terrible results if we keep manipulating species. Mostly due to what if they get released into their original natural habitat. They might mess up the nature.
I am not terribly "hate" it, just like you, I don't like it much.
However, some genetic engineered pets are quite popular. I am a fish person, so I can mostly only give examples from the fish industry.
Aside the Zebra Danio turned into Glofish example from above, there is another kind of very popular genetically manipulated fish called Blood Parrot. They are a cross between several different South American cichlids. The result is, they all have deformation. Their mouth can never close, and they are infertile in most cases. Many people find them cute and they are very popular. Of course, there are a lot of criticism too for the creation of Blood Parrot.
I am not sure if crossbreed should be counted as genetic engineering, since it resulted in infertile.
Check this out. More genetically manipulated glowing fish.
How long will it be before genetically engineered pets replace the natural pets to become the mainstream?