well, for those of you following on my petco leopard gecko updates, lastnight was the first night i finally saw mars eat, and he wasnt just picking, he was destroying the mealworms in my hand before they even got to his bowl! and finally, after about 2/3 weeks of nothing but urinate and 2 boughts of diarrhea, he pooped, and its solid his tank still smells something terrible, but ill be giving it a thourough cleaning tonight and hopefully he keeps this up and puts some weight on. i was still convinced he had worms because of his refusal to eat and no poo, but couldn't take him to the vet and treat him because of my truck blowing up and putting all my money into that, so i was giving him away for free as long as his new owner takes him to the vet and gets him the care he needs...but if he keeps it up, he will no longer be for the taking any idea on what could have been wrong with him? maybe just a hunger strike because he was soo used to not eating when housed with the girls? a small reptile cold or virus? or maybe still worms? who knows..only time will tell...
That's good news Amanda! He is a cute little guy. It could just have been stress. It could still be parasites, or a combination of the two. Once you get your financial problems sorted out, I would still try to get a fecal done on the both of then, just to be safe, and them you can know for sure. Congrats though, it may have been completely stress induced, and he just took a little while to settle in and get comfortable with his new digs, and with you.