That poor baby! Both the dog and the environment should be treated. Fleas are environmental and our pets make excellent and convenient hosts and food sources so they tend to gravitate towards them. There do not have to be pets for there to be fleas.
One safe and non-toxic way to help prevent fleas is Diatomaceous Earth. Diatomaceous Earth is made from crushed marine fossils and pierces the shell of a lot of bugs and insects, dehydrating them and helping with their maintenance and control. It can be used in powder form or mixed in a spray. You can find Diatomaceous Earth at many garden supply stores as well as online and food grade Diatomaceous Earth can be found in some feed stores.
Introducing Nematodes into the yard / environment during a bug problem is another all natural way to help prevent flea and insect infestations. Nematodes are a parasite in the roundworm family that don't cause harm to animals or people but help control fleas and other insects. Different nematodes are better for different control / insect issues so be sure you are getting the right one. There are also recommended amounts for the species of nematode you need as well as the size of the area. Nematodes can be purchased through companies that supply them online.
If there are fleas, ticks and mosquitos then heartworm can also be an environmental concern and pets in those areas should be on preventative maintenance programs. Vets often recommend products that aid in the control of all three at once and are very easily applied by droplets on the back of the neck or a couple may be oral at regular specified intervals. There are over the counter flea and tick control products sold but the incidence of toxicity and adverse reactions can be pretty high. Be sure you read the instructions and what NOT to do very closely if you decide to try something along those lines but a better vet recommended product is usually the better route.
If your dog or cat has fleas a round of treatment for tapeworms might be a good idea since they tend to go hand in hand.