I never use home remedies on my cat, except if the vet himself recommended it. The reason for that is, well, from my experience, home remedies recommended for humans often turn out not to be very helpful, or they're recommended for the wrong condition on accident. I've had a really hard time finding a good vet, so I have an even harder time trusting home remedies of the internet for my cats, even though they are well-meaning, they can be harmful and I just don't want to take the risk. I have also noticed that people use trusted human home remedies on their pets, which can be very harmful, since what's good for us often isn't good for them. If the home remedies have proved to be harmless and helpful, I have nothing against using them. I can imagine it can be hard to be a guardian for a less common pet, since normal veterinarians aren't trained to handle them. In that case, home remedies might even be an only solution.