Carrot Wood, Beach Tamarind, Green-leaved Tamarind or Tuckeroo tree
(Cupaniopsis anacar dioides) Orgin-Australia 1960
Dowy Rose myrtle, Donny myrtle, Hill Gooseberry, Hill guava
(Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) Orgin-Asia 1994
Air Potato, Potato yam, Air yam
(Dioscorea bulbifera) Orgin-Asia Introduced during slave trades in 1905
Hydrilla, Water thyme, Florida elodea, Water weed
(hydrilla verticillata) Orgin- Sri Lanka 1950
Burma reed, Silk reed, Cane grass, False reed
(Neyraudia reynaudiana) Orgin- Southern Asia 1916
Water Lettuce, Water cabbage
(Pistia stratiotes) Orgin- Africa or South America 1774
Lather leaf, Asiatic or Common Colubrina hoop with Asian Snake Root
(Colubrina asiatica) Orgin- Brought to Jamaica, from Asian traders in 1850's/ in Florida 1933
Water Hyacinth, Water orchid
(Eichornia crassipies) Orgin- Amazon Basin 1884-1890
Australian pine, Beefwood, Iron wood, She oak, Horsetail tree
(Casuarina glauca & Casuarina equisefifolia & Casuarina cunninghamiana)
Orgin-Australia, South Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia Late 1900's
Brazilian Pepper, Florida Holly, Christmas Berry, Pepper Tree
(schinus terebinthifolius) Orgin- Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay 1840's
Old World Climbing Fern
(Lygodium microphyllum) Orgin- Tropical Asia, Africa, Australia 1958
Melaleuca, Paper-bark, Cajeput, Punk tree, White Bottle Brush tree
(Melaleuca quingu enervia) Orgin- Australia, New Guinea, The Solmon Islands 1906
All of these non-native exotic's are found in the Florida, wetlands, as well as, along the banks of rivers and streams, and canals, and even in dry land areas.