Drool is NOT cute! I've had a few droolers. Currently my girl Chelsie like to do that, usually when she's laying on top of me in bed. Not as extreme as one of my past fosters, but still unplesant when she's getting my bedding wet. I have a personal theory why some cats drool. They only do it when they are supremely happy. Cats knead with their paws when they are happy because their first memory of complete contentment is nursing from Mom and that warm wonderful milk filling their belly. If they knead on Mom's side when they nurse, the milk flows faster. So they reflexivly knead when they're happy. My theory is that this happiness is connected to a food memory, so some cats also salivate when they're happy. I never read any research on this, but it makes sense to me. Still... I wish they could express it some other way. But it could be worse. You could have my cat Boyfriend. When he's feeling happy and loved, he cuddles, purrs, kneads, and NURSES ON MY SHIRT!!! This guy obviously has issues!