Question about planted aquarium and fishless cycling
Hello all,
I have always wanted an aquarium but never wanted to try it unless I could afford a good sized tank. I was lucky enough to get a 46gl bowfront with stand and a aqua clear 70 filter given to me. I am planing to have a tropical planted fresh water tank. I started setting my tank up without really understanding the whole cycling process. The local pet store kids talked like I could set my tank up get it to temp and as long as my Ph, ammonia, nitrite, & nitrates were ok I could add fish slowly. Glad I discovered that I could do fishless cycling before I killed off fish. I have my tank set up and running, I had read that I needed to wait 1-2weeks after adding plants to add fish for a new tank so no fish yet. I started with 10lds of plant substrate mixed with about 5lbs of sand and then gravel over that. I added my plants of 2 Amozon sword, 1 hygrophila kompakt, 2 undulate, and 2 bunches of what I think is dawarf saggitaria. I am planing to ask the store to order me some Java moss, and maybe a green tiger lotus or anubias nana. I have my light on for my plants. Here is my question. Is it safe for my plants to do a fishless cycle? If so will they also tolerate me increasing the water temp to 80 to speed the process up. I had also added Fritz Zyme (live nitrifying bacteria) about 4 days before I added my plants. I did that because I had read on another forum that one could transfer bacteria media from another astablised aquarium or an aquarium store maybe able to sell live bacteria to kick start the filtration process. I was expecting them to scrape something out of a filter but instead they gave me this bottle. I followed the directions on the amount to add. Was trying to adjust the heater at the same time so the water was around 80 for 2 days. Now it is 75. I didn't add the light until I added the plants. I'm guessing, from what I have since read, that the bottled bacteria have probably died off if there was really any to start with. Has anyone used this brand? Should I add more of it when I start adding ammonia or should I find the brand given in the artical I read on this site?