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Reasons not to declaw
03-23-2012, 10:36 PM, (This post was last modified: 04-18-2012, 08:46 AM by Thor.)
bw Offline


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Reasons not to declaw
Declawing a cat is one of the worst things a person
can do for their beloved pet. It is not just removing the
claw, this is not a manicure. The claw and the end of
the toe are taken off at the outermost knuckle of the toe.
This is very painful for the cat as declawing causes
damage to the radial nerve. Sometimes there is painful
regrowth of a malformed claw inside the paw that you
can't see so you are not aware of a problem, but your
beloved cat certainly is! During the surgery the toe bone
can shatter and cause a piece of dead bone which can
infect and cause the toes to drain. Abnormal growth of cut
nerve endings can cause pain in the toes that last a lifetime.

Is it any wonder the cat can develop depression, anxiety,
or become aggressive? A declawed cat knows their main
defense is gone and may become so fearful it will find a perch
and stay there to keep an eye out for danger. Their behavioral
problems, litter box aversion and aggression often lands them
in a shelter. Suddenly the owner does not want the cat that is
refusing it's litter box because it is painful. Or the owner does
not want the cat that has started biting for defense all because
of having the cat declawed. Often the declawed cats that end up
in shelters because of behavioral problems end up euthanized
because no one wants a cat the will not use a litter box and/or bites!

Cats use their claws when jumping, the front ones to catch
themselves, the rear ones for kick off. Cats walk on their toes,
with the ends of their toes gone their balance gets upset. By
altering the way the cat has to walk they develop joint and back
problems that are painful. With the claws gone the cats can fall
off narrow places much easier. If a declawed cat gets outside
he/she can not climb a tree or telephone post to get away from
that dog wanting to kill him/her.

It is so much more humane to teach a cat to use a scratching
post. Yes, it can be done. post. Cats like to stretch when they wake
up so keep a post near your cats sleeping spot. If you have a certain
piece of furniture the cat likes to claw, keep a post near there. Rub
cat nip on the post, hang a toy or two from it to attract the cat. Feed
treats when the cat uses the post. Put double sided tape on any place
the cat wants to scratch that it shouldn't. You can remove the tape
once the cat learns to use the post. Plenty of praise and strokes for
using the post. A spray bottle with water kept handy for the times
you catch the cat scratching where it shouldn't. Catch them in the act
and give a quick spray. Do not spray after the fact, they will not
know why you are spraying them. With animals it is always reprimand
while the offending behavior is taking place.

Don't you think those are good reasons not to declaw a cat?

And lastly as the clawing is in part leaving the cats scent, clean
any place well the cat has scratched where he/she should not.
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03-24-2012, 08:28 PM,
Thor Offline


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RE: Reasons not to declaw
Nice read, bw.

I have always thought declaw is a bad idea for cats.
Since I have never owned a cat myself, I did not give it too much thought, but it just sound very unnatural to me when someone told me a part of their cat's body is removed. I know quite some friends of mine had their cats declawed. I could only feel it's wrong when I heard them saying that, but I have never brought it up nor I could give them any educated reasons for saying it is wrong.
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03-25-2012, 12:16 PM,
bw Offline


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RE: Reasons not to declaw
Maybe now you can pass on why it is a bad idea if you hear of someone else wanting to declaw their cat.
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09-10-2012, 01:23 AM,
footballtim Offline
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RE: Reasons not to declaw
My solution to cat claws is simple. Once a month I take my cats to the vet or to the groomer to get their nails cut. It only costs me a total of $20 per month for both cats, and then I do not have to worry about their nails at all. They still use scratch pads because it feels good to them.
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09-11-2012, 12:16 AM,
Msmonkeyfeet Offline
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RE: Reasons not to declaw
Great post! I was aware of all the complications that can come from declawing a cat but it's still terrible to read about people doing that to their pets. I actually saw a reminder of this in an unlikely place, a children's movie, Puss in Boots, where one of the cats, Kitty Soft Paws, had had her claws removed by her previous owner and she was scarred forever by it. I don't think there's ever a really good reason for people to declaw their cats and most people do it out of sheer laziness in not wanting to train their cats not to claw their furniture. Personally I see no benefit to it and I'm content with merely clipping my cats' nails myself as needed.
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09-18-2012, 04:40 AM,
ACSAPA Offline


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RE: Reasons not to declaw
I would never declaw a cat. I wouldn't want someone ripping out my nails and cutting off my fingertips. I don't even like it when people clip dogs' tails and ears. I don't get why people do weird and unnatural things to their pets. The only surgery I have ever gotten for my past cats was spaying or neutering. Pets are like children and I don't see people giving little kids unnecessary surgery.
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09-19-2012, 08:21 AM,
Susan56 Offline

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RE: Reasons not to declaw
I would never have a cat declawed. I got my cat from a pet rescue. He was 6 years old when I got him and he was already declawed. He had only been at the shelter for 10 days and was already showing signs of depression. I can't imagine how afraid he had to be around the other cats and not being able to defend himself. He's an indoor cat and is the only pet in the house so he's been doing pretty well. He does have some anxiety when I leave him, but overall a very loving cat.
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