This forum is new and fresh(launched on 2/20/2012). To build a good community, we will need good moderators who are not only knowledgeable about pets, but also who are friendly and responsible people that will enforce the rules to keep this forum a pure environment.
Members who are promoted into the rank of moderators will be able to have special abilities on the forum.
The requirements for moderators
1. You must be 18+ of age.
2. You must be helping the community by actively participating in the forum. (no spam! Useful posts only)
3. You must be helping the community by actively recruiting new members during the initial stage of this forum launch. This is much needed to get the snow ball effect started at this stage.
4. You must be having good knowledge about at least one pet.
5. You must be friendly to everyone.
A few registered members will be selected for moderators depends on the following facts
1. The quality of you posts (the level of knowledge, interesting hot topics, helpful answers, etc.)
2. The amount of posts
(minimal 5 per day on the average)
3. The amount of new members you recruited. Simple have your recruited members to put you in the box of referral when they sign up.
4. The amount of very interesting suggestions you have for me to make this forum a better place.
5. The amount of informative articles you write for this forum. (Must be your own writing! No copy and paste! Minimal 500 words per article.)
6. You must be friendly to everyone. Yes, to everyone.
7. Self recommendation can work, if you can prove that you meet these requirements in addition that you will be very helpful as a moderator.
(Important: If nobody meets such requirements, nobody will be selected for the month, and the new requirements will be updated at the beginning of May)
Additional to what's already stated - If you can offer help to build this web site, depend on your level of expertise on web design, this alone might make you a moderator since web design alone is a lot of work.