That was a wonderful thing for her to do for them; I'm sure all of the cats that she has helped greatly appreciate everything she has done for them. Something about animals can make people, no matter how selfish some of them may be in certain circumstances, react in a selfless way in order to help out an animal in need.
I for one am very stingy with my money, if I'm completely honest. I can't earn a whole lot because I am only working online right now, so what I do make is very important for me to put towards my savings. So personally this isn't something I would ever be able to do. It is, however, something that I find inspiring, and something that if I had the funds to do I would gladly put out money towards helping out with. I doubt I'll ever be in a place financially where I can afford to do a project like this singlehandedly, but if someone was starting a project like this I would be happy to do my best to donate towards helping out!
When I see stray cats and other animals I always feel very sad for them. It is unfortunate that there are so many out there, and especially sad when you consider the fact that a lot of them are strays because their owners weren't able to look after them, and they were left to fend for themselves. My old kitty, Kikyo - he was a stray. The best cat I've ever owned, too.