When an emergency comes will you be prepared for the worst. Do you have a plan in action that will protect your livestock and or larger pets in the case of a bad storm or emergency.
What To Do?
1. If you plan to evacuate by trailer, get on the road at least 72 hours before the storm is due to hit.
2. Have proper papers and health certificates, vaccination and test results in a water proof container.
3. Store a two-week supply of feed and medical supplies in water proof containers.
4. Tie down vehicles and livestock trailers, in the middle of the largest open area away from trees.
5. Put large animals in a pasture with low areas for shelter and high areas that won't flood.
6. Close the barn and stall doors. Open all interior pasture gates.
7. Put ID on all your animals, that proves they are yours.
Be safe rather than sorry. What could or should been done does not help after the storm is over.