This has bothered me for many years. I am always watching Animal Cops and in almost every episode, they put the dog down. I will never understand that because they don't do that to humans so why do it to dogs. I think it's unfair that we have the opportunity to live until we have our last breath but if a dog is missing one single hair then the world is done with them. Okay, I am exaggerating but I'm certain you get my point. I have never had an old dog; unfortunately, we always had to give them away whenever we moved so I never had the opportunity to watch a dog get old. However, my grandmother had an old dog and they are just as loving as a younger dog. They may move differently and their behavior may be different as well but that means nothing. I commend John Unger for continuing to love his dog unconditionally because that's what it's all about. I plant to get another dog and watch it grow old and I would never put it to sleep--I will be right there when he/she takes their last breathe.