I have 2 Africian Red belly parrots. Both talk. Kito who is 8 is considered a service animal for me. Every morning when I uncover their cages both will say "good morning" to me, Then Kito will say "take you meds" a reminder to me to take meds. Until I give her a treat and say "thank you" she will continue to tell me to take my meds. Merlin has yet to tell me. Both birds will say "Tasha come here" or Kity, Kity Kity. Both dog and cat will come running up to their cages. Both parrots laugh, seems they can do that at just the right moment. Merlin likes to say "give me the remote" Kito will say "change the channel" both will make sounds like my cell phone, I have tried changing the ring tone but they seem to pic up it quick. Merlin has the foul mouth, I just don't know where he picked that up!