We have five pets currently: a nine year old golden retriever, a seven year old golden retriever, a six year old beagle, a cat that's eighteen, and a beta fish that's probably about six months.
The nine year old golden retriever: She just moved into our house recently because she's my step-dad's. She actually moved up before my step-dad did, though. My step-dad bought her as a puppy. I'm not sure where he got her, but I'm pretty sure it was from some random person who's dog just happened to have puppies, not from a pound or a reputable breeder.
The seven year old golden retriever: We got her when she was almost eight weeks old from a backyard breeder. The breeder was nice and took care of her dogs, but she was still considered a backyard breeder.
The six year old beagle: We got him as an eight week old puppy from a hunter who was breeding his dog. I don't think he knew much about breeding dogs, but I guess he took care of his dogs well enough. He just considered his dogs as tools, while I consider them family members.
The eighteen year old cat: She was a stray and came to our home starving when she was around four. You could easily see her all the ridges one her backbone and everything. The vet found out she was pregnant, but the kittens couldn't be saved.
The six month old beta fish: my step-dad bought him before he moved up here. I'm not sure, but I'm assuming he got the fish from a pet store.