How fun! My cat got a 12. However, many of these questions seem rather human biased. For example, I can tell that my cat recognizes her name. But how does her coming or not coming tell me her intelligence? That is more of a test of obedience. And from my experiences with humans, intelligence and obedience rarely go hand in hand.
Same with not doing tricks. Just because a cat won't do a trick doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't understand what it's being asked to do. I could mean that it's just not interested. Cats are like that.
Also, my cat is a runt that lived in a shelter for three years. Her automatic response to food pouring is running away, and I suspect that it has more to do with not wanting to have to fight other cats for chow than it does with smarts.
Anyone else notice questions like that on this test? Or ones where none of the answers were correct for your cat?