You are a very compassionate person. Thank you so much for posting this topic, and I am glad that you chose your title because it really shocked me. It made me think about the truth regarding what probably happens to most animas when left at clinics. I had my puppy put down at a clinic because he was suffering from Parvo. They told me they could possibly save him for $500 minimum. I had $100 total, so I sadly had to let my dog die. I am glad I did not know then that my dog was probably put in a black bag. When I brought him in they gave him a test to see if he had Parvo, and he did. They then said that it would cost $300 total for the office visit, the Parvo test, anesthesia, medical waste fee and dumping fee (though they had another name for it.) I didn't have $300, and I told them that I would just take my Parvo stricken dog with me and let him die in my arms. But then they talked to the manager, and the manager said that they would take the $100. To this day, I wonder if by law they had to take my dog because he had Parvo.