I do not own rats at this time. When I was a teenager I had more rats, rats with fur and no fur. They are simply the best if you treat them correctly and handle them well, they will be sweet, loving and caring. I had my hairless rat for about 5 years before she passed away of cancer. After Saggy passed, which I named my hairless rat, I bought Boots. When Boots with little he was pocket sized, then he grew so much, almost a foot without tail and 8 pounds, I could not carry him with me anymore after that. I tried to breed him myself in hopes of another hairless, but he was so big, he squished all poniential mates. Then my sister found a big female, and we bred her until we came up with hairless rats.
I would have a rat over in the other animal in the world. I love them that much. They are intelligent and can be so loving. You just have to play with them and show a lot of affection, just like any other animal if you ignore them, they'll like go wild again or something.