Just a word to the wise on if you are looking for a cat. Do not get one from a place that will not let you handle the kittens before you take them home. My Daughter and son in law decided they wanted a cat. They went to the place, a Shelter/Vets place that they had gotten several dogs from. They had cats there, that were pregnant. When this one cat delivered 13 kittens Yes 13~ No type error. Anyway, they decided they would take two, and picked them out. The only thing was, they could not interact with them until the day they were scheduled to take them home. What a mistake. Those Kittens were wild!
They took them home, and there was no way they were going to cuddle with their new owners. After a few months of having the cats, and seeing them occasionally the black and white one disapeard. They still have the other, sometimes at night, she will come in (thru the doggie door) and go get some attention from my daughter. There is NO way my Daugter could innitiate the interaction. It all has to be the cats idea.
If you want a cuddlely cat. Do Not get one from a place that won't let you hold and play with them before you acually take them home. You will regret it if you do.