Nearly twenty years ago, I tried using plastic liners for my litter boxes. It seemed like it might be a good idea, and there were times when I could actually pick if up at the edges and dispose of it. More often though, they would have clawed through the bottom, pulled to corners in, and mixed the whole mess together in with the litter.
The worst part of it all was that I apparently trained my cats to pee on plastic. While I had no problems with that before, ever since then, the only two cats that I still have now, that I had then, will pee on any plastic that is left on the floor. And to them, a glossy magazine cover counts as plastic, I think.
They are sisters from the same litter. One of them is known for behavioral problems from time to time but her sister would never make a mess outside of the litter box, unless it's on plastic, and she never did that before the litter box liner experiment.