Kfander, I think they are telling you that it is time to swith over to an e-reader ! (just kidding)
Actually, it seems that you have done an excellent job of training your cats.
Most cats would not want to use the bathroom on something that they can't at least try to scrape and cover up.
Possibly, you can untrain them, though. It might take some experimenting; but if you leave some plastic and spray a dab of vinegar on it, they will sniff it and decide that this is no longer an acceptable bathroom spot.
Of course, you don't want to have to spray your Organic Gardening (or Playboy?) , so you need to keep the shiny-covered magazines put away while you are re-educating the girls.
Vinegar is good because it has a strong smell, but is not harmful if it gets on their feet, and they lick it off. But if that doesn't discourage them; you might have to try for a different substance they don't like. Maybe a little cayenne pepper would work.
One sniff, and they will not like that at all ! !