I just realized that I may have partially poisoned my fish with ammonia poisoning. I read an article about the symptoms, and my fish has most of them.
Can I take out half of the water once in the morning and once at night? I have one shubunkin goldfish in a bowl (Trying to get a tank as soon as possible. I know its way too small. ) I am hoping that this water changing will keep my fish alive until the water cycle thing is complete. Also, half of the water I started with was from a pet store's water (Petco), so I am pretty sure that that water has some of the bacteria.
Will I need a filter, if I get a 20 gallon tank and change about half of the water every week? The filters are expensive, but if it is essential, I'll gladly buy any filter. I bought the fish exactly 3 days ago. Also, I am refilling the tank with tap water mixed with a dechlorinator. The dechlorinator also states that it removes ammonia.
Sorry for the long post.
If I do need a filter, will this do? http://www.amazon.com/AquaClear-20-Power...B000260FVG