Easiest: Betta (fish), feed pellets every day and clean cage (needs very little space) weekly unless it has a filter. Goldfish are easy, too.
Hardest: Horse/other large "livestock", requires money and daily attention.
Cheapest: Mice/hamsters/rats/gerbils, cheap food, bedding, and often cheap cage.
Most expensive: Exotic pets (special needs + initial cost), and high maintenance pets such as race horses and show animals.
Requires most time: Monkeys, large birds, baby animals, and saltwater/complicated tropical fish tanks.
Requires least time: Goldfish/Bettas/Similar freshwater fish, insects, most cats (especially outdoor).
Laziest: Certain dog breeds, tortoises, overweight cats, tarantulas, scorpions, frogs, farm pigs, any overfeed or under exercised animals besides fish and bugs.
Most energetic: Certain dogs (terriers, retrievers), small birds, rodents, turtles (when they swim), exotic animals, non-tame or skittish pets (bad), monkeys, insects and spiders, depends on personality and owner sometimes.
Needs most attention: Dogs, Birds, Monkeys, social animals kept alone (bad as well), equine (horses and such), goats, basically any animal bonded with their owner or lonely.
Most anti-social: Cats aren't anti-social they're independent and if bonded with their owners need attention from them and give attention to them. Reptiles, Insects, arachnids (spiders, scorpions, tarantulas), small fish (Koi can be handfed and swim up to you, otherwise most fish will ignore you as a survival instinct from the wild), some amphibians, basically animals that fear you or are solitary in the wild and captivity.