RE: Question about planted aquarium and fishless cycling
Is it possible that my tank cycled with just plant substrate and Fritz Zyme, live nitrifying bacteria for 10days then I added plants and its been another 3 days. I do have a used filter with used filter sponge but I think it had pretty well dried out and I rinsed it well before installing. This is why I ask. I filled my tank with my tap water, which is from a well, so no chlorine and no water softener. I took my tap water into the pet store to have it tested before I filled my tank. Findings were pH-7.4, no ammonia, nitrites, or nitrates. I picked up a API Freshwater Master test kit and before adding ammonia this evening to start my fishless cycle I decided to check the tank water. Findings were: pH-8.2, ammonia-0, nitrite-0, nitrate- 40ppm. I even double checked the pH & nitrate.
I went ahead and started adding the ammonia (Z Force, 4%) I got from Packs. I added 6ml of the ammonia and think I have it up to 2ppm. I also went ahead and added the rest of the Fritz Zyme since I read on this site that once the bottle was opened the bacteria wouldn't live. I figured why not.
Should I do anything to bring my pH down yet or just wait to see what happens with my ammonia and other levels? The fish I planed to get required pH of 6-7. If I have cycled and my pH is 8.2 I might want to reconsider the type of fish. I don't want to constantly fight to maintain the pH.