I suppose that at the end of the day, kittens will be kittens. Since they are analogous to human kids who have all sorts of proclivities ranging from the hilariout to the tragic. I have even observed kittens going to a neighbour on unsolicited visits which could elicit a negative reaction since some people have other ideas as to their mission. I often see people fretting over the whereabouts of their kittens since they are vulnerable and can be made an easy meal by a delinquent canine. Are cats supposed to be fed on water? Where I come from, people usually don't give water to their cats and have a ready bowl of soup or milk for their sustenance. Cats are usually fussy feders but one thing I have seen them relishing is a bowl of milk. The flip side is that once they are accustomed to milk, they don't look at water twice. But milk can be substituted with tea. I think this should be your recourse if they are to be deterred from these areas.