Rearing backyard chicken is a fad nowadays. You find busy professionals with disposable cash venturing into chicken as a side hustle in urban and peri-urban zones. Organic chicken are not widely reared in some places due to the need to make a quick buck using broilers which are anything but a reservoir of inorganic materials which accumulate in their bodies for fast growth. I guess that in my case, I would keep a limited number of backyard chicken which I can be able to attend to. This is in order to have the personal touch of keeping them which is healing. I consider every animal in the compound to be a pet. In my area, pople have began keeping traditional chicken in large numbers since they fetch a premium in terms of prices and the perceived health dividend of consuming organic products. They are easier and cheaper to rear on free range and don't require the formulations recommended for broilers at the end of the day, I concentrate on the pet aspect of the animals and any profits accruing from the activity are a welcome by product.