We used to have a terrier mix, she displayed a lot of Jack Russel qualities but we believe she also had a lot of Fox and some Wire-Hair in her blood, too. She was a sweetheart, but super bouncy and energetic and also very vocal! In fact she was asked to leave the training class my mother took her to because she wouldn't stop barking all the time, hahaha.
But I am a fan of the breed, they are very fun, loveable, and intelligent dogs. Not for families who prefer the calm and laid back companion they can take the occasional casual stroll with, though! Ours was protective of us and only ever tried to nip or show aggression when she was scared by some loud noise or if we were messing around and having a family play-fight or something...she didn't appreciate those.
Favorite toy was a tennis ball, which she would play with for a little while (with some human to throw it, of course) and then would promptly tear it to shreds. She loved rawhide bones for this purpose. She also liked anything she could play tug-o-war with, and if we let her would run and run for quite a while.