I won't talk about the many times my Lab stole something off the counter or chewed something up. Her first three years were equivalent to the terrible twos mixed with a teenager. Some of her incidences, like when she stole a whole loaf of homemade bread of the kitchen counter, were so bad that they ended up making us laugh.
My Jack Russell is a pretty well behaved dog most of the time. Sometimes if we are not paying enough attention to her she'll sneak off and occupy herself. One time I was on the computer. I started to hear some noises. I went to check on her and she had pulled out about 2 inches of the yarn in the carpet right where it met the closet in the bedroom. She hadn't done this for almost a year. We thought she was over it. Yes, I was angry. It was anger out of frustration. The poor carpet was a bit bald in one place and couldn't be fixed.