RE: What pets are the easiest and the hardest to take care of?
1. What pet is the easiest to take care of? Snails. Almost no maintence
2. What pet is the hardest to take care of? A horse. They eat lots a hay and grain. Stalls need to be cleaned daily and hooves must be trimmed and checked.
3. What pet is the cheapest to take care of? Snails. At PetSmart snails are free. The most snails will cost is the cost of algae wafers if you need algae in the tank.
4. What pet is the most expensive to take care of? Horse. Hay, grain, board, and vet + farrier. Very expensive.
5. What pet do you have so spend the most time on/with in order to take care of it? Dogs. They require so much activity and care.
6. What pet can you spend least time on to take care of it? Snails. Very low maintenance.
7. What pet is the laziest? Cats by far. Some cats won't move for hours.
8. What pet is the most energetic? I actually have to say rabbits. Some won't stop moving.
9. What pet is the #1 attention whore? Dogs.
10. What pet is #1 anti-social? Probably wild-caught animals. They tend to be a little more fearful of us.